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In Need of a Wife

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The wrath Sasha had felt against Elizabeth Maddox faded into insignificance. Two atoms collided. Nuclear fusion was about to take place.

‘Nathan...’ her voice shook with explosive energy ‘ you realise that a few minutes ago I sacrificed myself, and Bonnie, and our future...we sacrificed ourselves for you? I went into battle for you, giving everything I had? I...’

‘No one could more deeply appreciate...’

‘And you are already contracted to marry another woman?’

‘I had to do it.’ He looked bewildered by her furious outburst. ‘Time was running out. I told you so.’

Sasha hoisted Bonnie up to her shoulder again and rose to her feet. ‘Precisely what did you have on your mind when you got me to come to this house, Nathan Parnell?’

‘I didn’t get you to come,’ he protested. ‘You needed a home...’

‘You got me a job, as well.’

‘So you’d have some income if you needed it.’

‘And the very first night, after coming home from your Polish woman... Is she beautiful?’

‘Well, yes, she is. I have to make the marriage look credible to Elizabeth, and...’

It was like waving a red rag at a bull. Sasha saw blood-red. ‘So after coming home from your young, beautiful wife-to-be, you had the unspeakable duplicity to try your passion out on me.’

‘That wasn’t premeditated, Sasha. It happened.’

‘Stolen kisses are the sweetest,’ she jeered, then raged off around the room, firing words back at him like a hail of shotgun pellets. ‘You were eyeing me over the moment you entered my room. If I hadn’t put the table between us and kept you talking, you would have tried something more much sooner. As it was, we almost ended up in bed. If I hadn’t made you control yourself...’

‘Dammit, Sasha, I was the one who pulled back! I didn’t want to take advantage of you. I know what it’s like after a long relationship breaks up. The feelings of worthlessness...’

‘I have never felt worthless in my life. Do you hear me? Never! And don’t tell me you were thinking of pulling back this morning. You were openly planning to have an affair with me.’

‘Of course I want an affair with you. Any man would. It’s not necessary to plan these things. They happen. People do it all the time. I wanted to know if you felt what I did. And what’s more...’ a dangerous glitter leapt into his eyes ‘...I think you do, Sasha. You feel it every bit as strongly as I do. And that’s why you’re reacting like this.’

‘If you think I’m going to share you with a beautiful...’

‘Cut that out. You know why I’m going through with this marriage. It has nothing to do with love or loving. It’s to collect a piece of paper....’

‘What about the consummation?’

‘I’ll close my eyes and think of you.’

‘How dare you! How dare you flaunt...?’

‘I’m trying to mend fences.’

‘Too late. The horse has bolted.’

‘Let’s see if it has.’ He started walking towards her, his eyes sizzling with intent. ‘Everything you said to Elizabeth was a ploy, was it?’

‘Mostly,’ Sasha snapped. She headed for the door. She was not going to do battle with animal magnetism.

‘You were magnificent, Sasha.’

He was using that voice on her again. And those blue eyes of his were dynamite. ‘I despise you,’ she flung at him.

‘I’m falling in love.’

It halted Sasha momentarily. ‘Go try that line on the beautiful Polish woman you’ve contracted to marry.’ She doggedly resumed her retreat towards the door.

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