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In Need of a Wife

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‘Yes...well...I have to admit it’s a relief you’ve taken it like this, Sasha,’ he acknowledged. ‘We weren’t getting on so well, but it made me feel inadequate for wanting to duck out on you and Bonnie.’

Sasha understood that, too. It was a question of pride and self-image. Tyler didn’t like to feel badly about himself. No doubt it had driven him to the abortive attempt at reconciliation in the park, despite his desire to be free of any encumbrances.

‘It’s OK,’ she assured him. ‘It wasn’t working for either of us. It’s better we go our separate ways.’

‘I’ll pay you maintenance for Bonnie, Sasha. Josh convinced me I should. What we figured...’

Tyler’s voice trailed into silence. Both he and Joshua stared past her and she felt Nathan’s presence like a force-field, generating potent elements that changed the status quo. The surprise on Tyler’s face tightened into pugnacity.

‘You! What the hell are you doing here?’ Tyler demanded, his eyes furiously accusing Sasha of putting him in the wrong again.

‘I live here,’ Nathan answered blandly, and, much to Sasha’s consternation, put his arm around her shoulders, laying claim to her, flooding her body with a hot awareness of his. Then to compound the possessive action, he asked, ‘Can I help, darling?’

Tyler gave Nathan a scathing look. ‘You’re the cop who broke up my talk to Sasha in the park. If this is your home you must be the most corrupt cop in the whole damned police force. You’ve got to be worse than Shags Bordello, worse than...’ He was lost for words.

Joshua eyed Sasha with some concern. ‘If you’ve got yourself involved in something...’

‘I left the police force after I won Lotto,’ Nathan interrupted, explaining away the unexplainable.

‘Some people have all the luck,’ Tyler muttered bitterly. ‘I’ve never won Lotto.’

‘Precisely,’ Nathan agreed.

Tyler turned truculently to Joshua. ‘She’s found a new lover. One that can supply her with more than I ever could. That’s what’s to blame.’

/> ‘Is that right, Sasha?’ Joshua asked, not as ready as Tyler to leap to conclusions.

‘Yes, it is,’ Nathan confirmed before she could begin to defend herself against the accusation of being a heartless gold-digger. Her mouth opened and snapped shut in stupefied shock as Nathan rattled on.

‘Absolutely correct. Expressed very succinctly. Sasha is much better off living with me. So is Bonnie. Took to me straight away. I always wanted a ready-made family.’

Tyler looked as if he was about to burst a blood vessel. ‘I was trying to do the honourable thing,’ he seethed. ‘Now I’ve changed my mind. You’re not getting one damned thing from me, Sasha. No maintenance. Nothing for the kid, either.’

‘Hold hard there, Tyler,’ Joshua said lazily. ‘We haven’t heard Sasha’s side of this.’

‘Not one cent! Let him look after her and his ready-made family. All my work. He’s getting what he wants. All my hard work wasted.’ With a dismissive wave of his hand, Tyler headed for the driver’s side of the Mary Bryant.

Sasha recognised the futility of saying anything. Even if it was possible, it was too late to correct the impression Nathan had so deliberately and effectively imparted.

Tyler hurled himself into the driver’s seat. Joshua threw up his hands and hurried to the passenger’s side. Tyler was starting the engine when a white Porsche zipped into the driveway, passed the Range Rover, ducked in front of it, braked fiercely, and came to a gravel spitting halt.

Out whirled Elizabeth Maddox.

The expression on her face promised that revenge was sweet. She didn’t so much as flick a look at the rumbling Range Rover. Her sleet grey eyes glittered at Sasha and Nathan as she strode between the two vehicles.

‘I told you not to come here again, Elizabeth.’ Nathan had steel in his voice.

It didn’t stop her. She started mounting the steps, her arm sweeping up to point an accusing finger at Sasha. ‘She is not Urszula Budna, and don’t think you’re going to get away with fraud. Urszula Budna has come to see me. She is now my client.’

Nathan pretended to have a heart attack. Sasha didn’t see anything humorous in that at all.

‘I’ll blow this case wide open,’ Elizabeth crowed. She sneered at Sasha then intensified the sneer for Nathan. ‘This mistress thing on the side. You’re going to lose the custody case, as well. You are a walking disaster, Nathan. I’ll strip you so bare, there won’t even be any bones left for the carrion to peck out.’

Nathan’s eyes narrowed. ‘I think you’re in for a spot of bother yourself, Elizabeth.’

‘Don’t be ridiculous. Nothing is going to hurt me. I even bought a new car to show my contempt for your behaviour. In fact...’

While Elizabeth was rebutting Nathan’s opinion, Sasha watched in fascination as Tyler exited his vehicle and slowly ascended the steps behind Elizabeth. He tapped her on the shoulder, interrupting the spate of words flowing from Elizabeth’s lips.

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