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The Alphas Concubine (Love Slaves of the Alphas 2)

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“Don’t lecture me, Niki,” Jagger said coldly. “You forget your place. ” Jagger turned and walked back into the bedroom, furious because he knew Nikolai was right, but when the chief had threatened his mother, he’d totally lost control. Partly he was embarrassed

because he’d really wanted to impress Niki, and he’d probably only managed to make Niki lose respect for him. Sometimes he felt so out of his depth, with people expecting him to be strong and in control at all times. Even his father was leaning on him more and more since his mother’s capture. He wished sometimes he could let it all go, and let someone else take over for a while.

He pulled off his boots and threw them halfway across the room in frustration. Standing by his clothes cabinet, he began to tear at the buttons on his shirt. All he wanted at this point was to sink into the warm water of the bathing pool and let the water soak away his stress and despair. A hard arm came around him and pulled his body close. Jagger knew that touch. He twisted in Niki’s arms, but was turned firmly back around.

“Stay still. ” The deep, honeyed voice seemed to purr in his ear. “Let me do it, love. ” He shivered at Niki’s touch and closed his eyes, wanting to pull away from the hardness pressed against his ass, but finding that he couldn’t seem to move. Niki’s strong fingers finished with his buttons and slipped the shirt from his shoulders. Pulling him back firmly against his body, Niki moved his strong fingers over Jagger’s chest, teasing his nipples and tugging on them gently. Jagger closed his eyes and let the sensations sweep over him. He relaxed into Niki’s hard chest, only to jerk in shock a moment later as Niki’s hands moved down to unlace his trousers. A warm hand plunged inside, grasping his half-hard shaft and bringing it out.

“Niki, no…” Was that him whimpering? He tried to pull away, but the hand on his waist kept him trapped. Gods, Niki was so strong.

“Shh…be quiet, Princeling. ” His hand began to move, warm and strong over his cock, rubbing his thumb over the head of his shaft again, making his knees go weak. Pre cum leaked from his cock, spilling onto Niki’s hand, but his hand only moved faster, feeling like silk against his shaft. Jagger felt more and more excited, unable to be still.

“Ahh, Niki. I’m coming…”

“No, sweetheart. You won’t come until I tell you to. ”

Jagger’s head fell back onto Nikolai’s shoulder. He heard himself making a sound that was like a low keening. His breathing was coming faster, and he thrashed his head back and forth, “Niki, please!”

He heard a soft chuckle in his ear. “Come, baby. Come in my hand. ”

With a soft, guttural noise, Jagger’s orgasm ripped through him, leaving him shaken and dazed, barely able to stand. Niki gathered him in his arms and carried him to bed. He jerked off the pants that had slid to his ankles and threw them on the floor. Keeping his gaze on Jagger, he removed his own clothing and then quirked an eyebrow at Jagger. “Do you have lubricant?”

Jagger nodded and pointed toward a low cabinet by the bed. His mouth went dry at the sight of Niki’s magnificent body. He was purely masculine, with broad shoulders and slim hips, his entire body rippling with muscles. His cock was long and thick, with blue veins coursing up the shaft. The tip was pearled with pre cum.

“There’s a bottle of oil in there, b-but n-not now, Niki, please. I’m too…I-I can’t again. I’ll take care of you later, I promise. ”

Niki smiled down at him. “Oh you can, love, and you will. But it’s not you who’ll be taking care of things—it’s me. ”

Jagger scooted up to the head of the bed at the predatory gaze Nikolai had fixed on him. Niki grabbed his foot and pulled him back down to his back in one swift move, while at the same time moving his body over his. Niki’s gorgeous cock rubbed against Jagger’s and Jagger closed his eyes again and turned his head away, a deep moan escaping his throat. He felt Niki’s fingers in his hair, tugging his head back around. “Open your eyes, little one. I want you to see who’s fucking you. ”

Jagger raised his eyebrows. “N-No! Niki, I’ve never…no!”

“Oh, yes, baby, I’m going to claim you. I’ve waited as long as I can. You’re mine, love, don’t you see?”

He lowered his head and took Jagger’s lips with his, licking at them until Jagger’s mouth fell open and let him in. His tongue stroked the inside of Jagger’s mouth, their breath mingling as if they were one. Jagger gave in with a little cry and tentatively thrust his tongue back to meet Niki’s. Niki made an approving sound in his throat, and as the kiss deepened, he ground his groin against Jagger’s until Jagger thought he’d lose his mind.

With a final little nip on Jagger’s bottom lip, he pulled back his head and gazed down into Jagger’s eyes. “I want to claim you as my mate, sweetheart. Once I do, you’ll belong to me forever— there’ll be no going back for you. Do you want this? Do you understand what it means?”

Jagger nodded. He was almost mindless with wanting, needing this man, and he would have agreed to anything he asked. Niki smiled down at him and gave him another little bite on his bottom lip. “I’m not sure you really understand, darling. You’ll be a Lycan mate. Do you know what that means?”

“Of course,” Jagger murmured, nodding his head and tilting it up for more kisses. “Don’t be presumptuous, Niki. Of course, I know what it means to be your mate. I’m a prince of the kingdom, after all. And I want to be yours. Make me yours. ”

Nikolai moaned and buried his face in Jagger’s neck. “Gods, you smell so sweet. ”

He got to his knees and slowly rolled Jagger over, lifting his hips to pull pillows under them. His hard fingers massaged oil gently into his crease and ghosted over his hole. Jagger tensed, and Niki put a hand on the cheek of his ass. “Open to me, love. I won’t hurt you. ”

Jagger nodded and tried to relax his body, opening his legs even further. Niki stroked his back and with an oiled finger gently probed around Jagger’s hole. No one had ever touched him there, but it felt right with Niki. The finger slowly pressed inside and when Jagger tensed against the burn, Niki leaned over him and kissed his ear, licking at the nape of his neck until he relaxed again. He whispered wickedly in his ear as he slowly moved the finger in and out. “Has anyone ever touched you here, love?”

Jagger shook his head, and Niki gave a soft chuckle as he nibbled at his ear. “Good. This is mine, and you’ll never feel anyone else’s fingers here again. ” Those whispers in his ear were driving him crazy. He arched his back and couldn’t decide whether to lean into them or pull away. He felt another finger go inside him and he groaned at the stretch of those fingers deep within. They only moved in farther and Jagger cried out, trying to get away until they suddenly brushed against the spot he’d touched for others, but had no idea of how it felt for himself. So this is why some men liked this so much, and wanted only to bottom. It was incredible. The fingers brushed over the spot again and again until Jagger was mindless, thrashing his head wantonly and pushing his ass up into the air to get more of the feeling.

Suddenly the fingers pulled away and Jagger almost sobbed in frustration and need. Then he felt something else nudging his hole, something larger, and he felt a moment of panic. Before he could move away, Niki’s hand pushed under him and closed around his cock, pulling down and back up hard several times in a row. He couldn’t decide whether to arch forward or back—he needed more pressure, more sensation. Niki thrust into him again and again, his large member going over and over that spot until Jagger screamed out again.

“That’s right, baby. Sing for me. Tell me how it feels. ”

Jagger’s whole body seemed to convulse around him, tightening on his shaft, and he heard Niki grunt, as if in pain. He began to thrust harder and harder, going deeper with each stroke. Jagger gasped at the burn he felt, but Niki’s hands continued to work his cock until he thought he’d lose his mind. He couldn’t decide if he should beg him to stop or beg for more.

“I’m going to give you the mating bite, little one. I can’t hold back. It will hurt for just a moment, but I’m here. I’m taking care of you. I’ll always take care of you. ”

Jagger nodded and Niki bit deeply into the side of his neck. It felt like twin needles boring into him, and he screamed in pain. Right away he felt something different inside him, something hard and unyielding, filling him uncomfortably full. Nikolai had thrust himself into him and gave a wordless cry as he strained against him. The next instant, feelings like he’d never had before surged through him, filling him with pleasure. He began to spurt his orgasm uncontrollably, while at the same time, he felt Niki’s hot seed flooding into him. Instead of dissipating, the feelings only got stronger and he was flying, stars moving past his eyes at an alarming rate. Vaguely, in some other part of his mind, it registered that Niki was licking his neck, bathing the bite in saliva, and it felt—wonderful. He leaned into it, and felt the stars rushing at him till the blackness came down around him like a curtain.

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