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The Alphas Concubine (Love Slaves of the Alphas 2)

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“No,” Jagger said quietly. “I’ll do it. ”

“It’s insupportable!” King Larius cried. “How can I trade my wife and my people for my son? No, no, I can’t do this to you, Jagger. ”

“You’re not doing it, father. I’m a grown man now, and I can make my own decisions. This is the only way, and it’s a very good plan. More than we could have hoped for. The Lycans are right. They’re offering extremely generous terms, and we must get my mother away from the Rogers. I can’t stand to think of what she must be going through. Besides all of that, it will save our people. ” Jagger stood up and squared his shoulders. “Go back to the council and tell them to reply in the affirmative. I’ll pack my things and be ready when they come for me. ”

“Oh son,” his father said sorrowfully, holding his head in his hand. “Perhaps they won’t be able to do as they’ve promised. Your mother is heavily guarded—what if she should be hurt in the attempt?”

“Not with Nikolai and his family,” Jagger said, surprised to hear a hint of pride in his voice. “You saw them in the throne room the last time when they came for Nikolai. They are the fiercest people I have ever known. No, if they say they can do it, I have no doubt. Let’s go now and tell them we’ll agree to their terms. I don’t want my mother to have to spend one more night than she has to in that place. ”

The council members were ecstatic when they heard Jagger’s decision. The king’s head advisor, Herren, came forward and bowed from the waist. “Prince Jagger, thank you for your sacrifice. ”

Jagger inclined his head. “I would like you to open a channel with the Lycans please. I have one stipulation. ”

“B-but Prince Jagger. Surely they have been more than generous. Couldn’t you…”

“I said open a channel, Herren. I’m still your prince. Do it immediately. ”

The advisor dropped his gaze and hurried over to the Communicator screen to hail the Lycan ship. Within a few minutes, Herren nodded to Jagger. “Prince Jagger, I have the Lycan ship. ”

Jagger walked to the screen and nodded solemnly into the cameras. He could see Lucas, the alpha, sitting in his command chair, with several figures behind him. He saw Nikolai standing behind Lucas and to the right, with his arms crossed and a belligerent look on his handsome face. “We agree to your terms, Alpha,” Jagger said, “with one provision. ”

Before Lucas could speak, Nikolai stepped forward angrily. “The terms were quite generous, Jagger. What possible leverage do you think you might have?”

Jagger was surprised at the level of anger he saw on Nikolai’s face and his own face grew warm and heated. Soon he would be under this man’s control, and little better than his slave. He would have to face

that anger head on, and could he do it? Did he really have a choice?

He raised his chin and stared straight back at Nikolai. “I don’t have to agree to this at all. ”

Nikolai scoffed. “Ha! That’s right, Prince, you and your father can show your usual level of intelligence and diplomacy and tell us to take our offer to save your asses and go to hell. Of course, meanwhile your mother is still captive and your people are probably ready to throw you both in the dungeons. Perhaps we should just wait a few days and save ourselves the trouble of a negotiation with the two of you. ”

On the screen, Lucas stepped over to Nikolai and put a cautioning hand on his arm. “Let him speak, Nikolai. Let’s at least hear what he has to say. ”

Nikolai made a dismissive gesture and turned his back on Jagger, but Lucas inclined his head. “Go ahead, Prince. What is your provision?”

Jagger cleared his throat. Nikolai had rattled him, but he tried hard not to show how intimidated he was. He lifted his chin even higher and squared his shoulders. “I want to go with you to get my mother. I’m a warrior, and I can be of service. ”

Before Lucas could reply, Nikolai turned around and roared at him. “Absolutely not! It’s out of the question!”

“But Niki, it’s my mother! Please!” Jagger instinctively used his pet name for Nikolai and held out a hand in appeal, but Nikolai actually snarled at him. Jagger took an involuntary step backward, and right away both Lucas and another Lycan who Jagger thought was Nikolai’s brother, Kyle, came forward, speaking urgently in his ear. Nikolai shook his head, but after a few minutes, he finally stepped to the rear of the command chair and out of range of the cameras. Lucas faced Jagger instead.

“We accept your provision, Prince Jagger, with one of our own. You may go with us, but you will stay in the rear, and follow our commands to the letter. Is that clear?”

“Yes, thank you. I’ll do as you say. ” From somewhere off camera, Jagger and the entire council heard Nikolai make a rude, profane comment in response, but Jagger held onto his composure with rigid control. Lucas kept his eyes straight ahead and pretended not to have heard.

“We’ll begin our attack in the morning, Prince. Please make yourself ready and pack your personal belongings. Have your guard bring you to meet us at the landing zone at first light. After we secure your mother, and get rid of the Nilaniums, we will be leaving for our home planet right away. ”

“Yes, certainly. I’ll be there. ”

Lucas nodded and the transmission winked out. Jagger sagged to the floor. In the last few minutes the pain in his stomach had become almost unbearable. He took several deep breaths and forced himself to his feet. Then he turned to go to his rooms and ready his things for the journey. He had no idea what kind of life was waiting for him on board the Lycan ship. Once Nikolai had called him his mate, and told him he loved him. Now it seemed that his love had turned to hatred. Nikolai could barely look at him without frowning and snarling at him. He must only want him back on board the ship to torture and humiliate him. The contract the Lycans wanted said that he would be under their control until Nikolai tired of him. From the look on Nikolai’s face, that wouldn’t be too long.

Chapter Six

Nikolai waited with his family for the door of the transport to open. He held himself rigidly erect, knowing Jagger was on the other side of the door. After four days, his need for his mate was an almost physical ache that was making him ill. No matter how angry he was, he still needed to see him. And he’d been very angry indeed when he found out Jagger had lied to him about knowing what it meant to be a Lycan mate and then compounded it by calling him and his family monsters and stubbornly demanding to be taken home. He’d even said he didn’t love Nikolai, and though he didn’t really believe it, the words had hurt and angered him. Stubborn little bastard. At first Nikolai had been so hurt and outraged he’d told Lucas to turn the ship for home, but Lucas had only looked at him and shook his head.

“You’re being as foolish and stubborn as your little prince, Nikolai. The curse is strong with our family, and you won’t be able to stand it for long. If you’re honest, you’ll admit you’re already dying to get your hands on him. ”

“The hell with him!” Nikolai yelled, throwing himself down into a chair on the comm deck. “I’d like to wring his little neck. ”

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