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The Alphas Concubine (Love Slaves of the Alphas 2)

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“I’m not hurt, Miama,” Jagger said, using the intimate address

for his mother that reflected the closeness of their relationship. It also reflected his distress. Jagger hadn’t called her by that name since he was a small child. “Not really. I have a terrible pain in my stomach. It’s worse whenever the Lycan comes near me. He’s angry with me, and it physically hurts me. It’s been almost four days of it now. ” Jagger groaned and rolled to his side, still holding tightly to his middle. His mother made a soft sound and jumped to her feet, striding quickly after Nikolai, who had almost made it inside the compound. She pulled sharply on his arm, and he whirled around in surprise.

“What are you doing to my son, Lycan?”

Nikolai gazed down at her in confusion and then his gaze fell on Jagger, still lying on his side. “What do you mean? What’s wrong with him?” he asked sharply, pulling away to go to him. Refusing to be shaken off, the queen clung to him, looking up into his face defiantly. “You should know! He told me he’s been in almost constant pain with his stomach since he left your ship. Did you poison him?”

“Poison him?” Nikolai gave her a furious glare. “Of course not! He’s my mate!” The queen took a surprised step backward. “Your mate?” She glanced back at her son. “I see. So you’re punishing him with your anger. ”

“No! I mean…I’ve been angry with him, yes, but I didn’t mean to hurt him. I wasn’t thinking…I forgot what happens to mates when we’re angry with them. ”

Queen Niada kept her hand on his arm and forced him with her will to look down at her. “Do you love my son?”

Nikolai returned her regard, his gaze sweeping over her, perhaps impressed that this small person could face his Lycan wolf form so fiercely, without flinching. “Yes,” he answered simply. “I love him more than anything. ”

She held his gaze a few seconds longer before nodding and releasing him. “Go to him then. I know a thing or two about Lycans, and I can see that your pride is standing in the way. Control your wolf, so you don’t frighten him any more than you have to. Jagger can be difficult. I know this. He’s headstrong and proud at times. He’s also loyal and kind, and his soul is beautiful. ”

Nikolai nodded impatiently, wanting to go to Jagger and take him in his arms. “Believe me, I’m familiar with all of this. I told you, he belongs to me now. ”

“Yes,” she replied. “But Jagger also belongs to himself. If you break his spirit, you will lose something quite precious. ”

“I love him. I have no intention of breaking his spirit,” he replied solemnly, and the queen got the feeling he was making her a vow. “But he has to learn to let himself be guided by me at times. He must allow me to teach him pack discipline. I’m a Voyager and he’s my family now. He’ll travel with me all over the galaxy and there’ll be times he will have to obey my commands without question. His safety depends on that, and I won’t allow him to endanger himself, no matter what. ”

The queen smiled gently. “Gods, you’re an alpha, aren’t you?” She laughed softly. “Poor Jagger. ” She shook her head. “Poor alpha. ” She turned him loose and glanced back at her son. “Go to him then, Alpha, and teach him well. But also love him well, or you will answer to me. ”

Nikolai glanced down at the tiny form whose head came to a point just above his waist, and she saw that he didn’t doubt that she meant every word. “Yes, ma’am,” he replied, and turned to go to his mate.

* * * * As Nikolai walked toward Jagger, he forced his wolf down, trying hard to change back into his human form. Only a few steps away from where Jagger lay on his side, he stopped and took several deep, calming breaths, reassuring his wolf that his mate was safe now and he would take care of him. Finally, satisfied, his wolf subsided and Nikolai came back to his human form. He knelt beside Jagger and put his hand on his shoulder. Jagger looked up in surprise and sat up quickly, but not before Nikolai noticed him wince. Nikolai pushed him on his back, and he hugged his stomach protectively, “Take your hands away, Princeling. ”

“No, it’s okay,” he said quickly, still trying to sit up. “No it’s not. Why didn’t you tell me you were in pain, Jagger? From now on, you keep nothing from me, is that understood?”

Biting his lip, Jagger turned his head away, but gently, Nikolai turned it back. “Say yes, Niki, I understand. ”

Sullenly, his eyes never once meeting Nikolai’s, the prince murmured, “Yes, Niki. ”

“Good. Those two words are all you need to know. ” He pulled up Jagger’s tunic, exposing his slim, sculpted abdominal muscles, and began to rub his hands gently over the skin. “Does that feel better, Princeling? I’m not angry with you anymore. I don’t want you to be in pain. ”

Jagger stuck his lips out into a pout. “I don’t care if you’re angry with me or not. ” Immediately, he drew his legs up to his chest in distress, and Nikolai couldn’t resist twisting him around so he could give his ass a whack.

“Stop it. You’re only making it worse. If you think I’m mad at you, your stomach will hurt—it happens all the time at home with our pets. ”

“With your pets? Is that what I’ll be to you?” He looked horror stricken. “Like-like a lapdog?”

“Absolutely,” Nikolai said solemnly, enjoying the chance to tease him. “My pet lapdog. And if you’re very good, I’ll let you lick my hand. Or other places. You can sleep on the foot of the bed, and I’ll brush your hair for you every night. Maybe scratch your little belly. ”

“I’d rather die! I’ll kill myself! No, I’ll kill you. ”

“No, you won’t, baby. I won’t let you. Now settle down like a good pup. ”

Jagger swung at him, but Nikolai caught his fist in his hand and kissed it, then pulled him up into his lap, and up to his chest. Bending his head, he took his mouth, sweeping his tongue over his lips, licking at the seam until they fell open to him. His tongue stroked the inside of Jagger’s mouth, their breath mingling as one. Nikolai moved his tongue over Jagger’s, teasing, coaxing until he felt a tentative response. Making an encouraging hum deep in his throat, Nikolai moved his hands down Jagger’s arms, and then up under his tunic to caress his nipples. Putting his thumb over each one in its turn, he massaged and pulled at them to make them stand up. He moved his lips to kiss Jagger’s cheeks, his chin, his eyes, his throat. Jagger made a whimpering sound and let his head fall back, turning his head and exposing his throat in unconscious surrender.

One of Nikolai’s hands moved to Jagger’s cock, rubbing its hardness through his tight leggings.

“Oh,” Jagger cried softly, and Nikolai slipped his hand inside the leggings to cup his balls and gently knead them, while he kissed his lips again, whispering Lycan love words against his mouth.

A sudden voice beside him made Nikolai jump and clutch his prince close to his chest. “When you get through there, Nikolai, maybe you can take your mate to the truck. We’re about ready to load up. ” Nikolai stood up abruptly, picking Jagger up in his arms as he rose, taking him with him. Embarrassed, Jagger hid his face against Nikolai’s chest. Nikolai turned furiously to face a grinning Kyle.

“Sorry, brother, but Lucas said to make you come and get on the truck. He said to tell you’ll have time for your mate later on. ”

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