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Changed Man

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“Where are the rest of the ladies?”

Veneshia looked at me like I was stupid. “They out on the corner humpin’.”

I started to say, in the rain? But I realized how stupid that would sound. That was their job. But that’s when I remembered that I was gonna find a safe place for them to work. “Find them and get them off the street.”

“And do what with them?”

“Bring them here.”

She looked at me like I was crazy. “You sure you don’t want them out there workin’?”

“Yeah, I’m sure.”

“Okay, but you know niggas like to pick ’em up some pussy in the rain,” she said.

“What I tell you?” I said louder than I needed to, and she quickly raised her arms to cover her face.

“Yes, daddy,” she said and backed away from me.

I held up my hands. “Look, you never have to worry about that anymore. Okay?”

“Okay,” she said and slowly lowered her arms.

“I will never hit you. Understand?”

“Yes, daddy.”

“And if anybody ever hurts you, I will kill them.”

“Okay,” Veneshia said and I could see the change in her posture. She and the rest of Silky’s women had lived in fear of him for too long. I guess that’s why I killed him. I went and got some money and tried to give it to her.

“You go get those women.”

Once again, Veneshia looked at me like I was stupid. “I don’t need no money. I got your money. I been holding it for you since you killed Silky, daddy.”

I shook my head. “Go on and get out of here.”

I handed her the key so she could get back in, I got in the shower and then I went to bed.

I don’t know how long I had been asleep when I heard somebody tapping on the door. I got out of bed, put some pants on and went to see who it was. I opened the door to the sight of a woman. She was soaking wet.

“Hey, Black. Veneshia said I should come here.”

I looked at her for a second or two and then I realized that she was the one that Silky was slapping around like a rag doll the night we killed him. I had to laugh because she looked a lot better than she did that night. Shit, I guess all of them looked better now that Silky wasn’t kicking their ass.

“Make yourself comfortable,” I said and went back to bed.

A few minutes later, she was sitting on the bed next to me and tapping me on the shoulder.


“Your couch is hard. I can’t get comfortable.”


“Can I get in the bed with you? I promise not to bother you,” she said.

I opened my eyes and looked at her. She had taken off her wet clothes and only had on her thong. I shook my head because she definitely looked better than she did that night.

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