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Changed Man

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The next afternoon, the phone in the suite was ringing and since I had called and told him where we were, I knew that it was Nick calling. He said that him and Freeze caught Wyclef Ali at The Blue Room and they had him tied up in the storage room. When me and Bobby got there, Nick and Freeze were beating him.

When I asked, “He tell you anything?” Nick and Freeze started laughing and I wondered why.

“No,” Freeze stopped laughing long enough to say.

“And that’s only because we haven’t asked him anything,” Nick said and then they both started laughing again.

I looked at Bobby and we started laughing too. I pulled a chair up in front of him. “Take the gag out.”

“I swear, Black, I didn’t have nothing to do with it,” Wyclef said the second Nick pulled the gag out.

“I haven’t asked you anything,” I said, and everybody laughed. “So, what don’t you have anything to do with?”

“Whatever it is, I ain’t got nothing to do with it and I don’t know nothing about it.”

“That’s amazing,” Bobby laughed.

“Tell me about Whitey?” I asked, and his expression and posture changed.

“Okay, Black, on the real, I owe Whitey ten G’s but I was gonna pay him. I swear, Black, I got the money, you can have it, just don’t kill me, please. I’m begging you.”

“Shut up. Whining like a little bitch.”

“Okay, Black, I’ll shut up. Just don’t kill me, please Black and don’t let them two hit me no more, they—”

“Wyclef!” I yelled. “Shut the fuck up or I will kill you.”

“Okay, Black,” he said, and I took out my gun.

I put the barrel to his head. “You say one more fuckin’ word and I will kill you now. Understand?”

Wyclef nodded his head.

“Now, tell me about Kasim?” I said, and Wyclef just sat there.

“He’s afraid to say anything, Mike,” Bobby laughed and punched him in the face. “Answer the man.”

“Kasim,” Wyclef paused. “What about him?”


Bobby punched Wyclef in the face twice.

“Tell me about Kasim?”

“Pakistani dude. Came here from France after he was acquitted of attempted murder.”

“What he do?” Nick asked.

“He shot the two gunmen that ambushed him. His daddy owns a car dealership, but he’s running heroin outta there.”

“You know anything else about him?”

Bobby punched him.

“Something I can use.”

Bobby punched him.

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