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Changed Man

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I looked at Lisa, watched her facial expression change.

Especially her eyes.

“When?” Lisa asked quickly. She appeared to be shocked, so I don’t think she knew about it.

“Last night at his spot,” Bobby told her.

“How did it happen?” she asked, but Lisa wasn’t shaken.

“Three men walked up on him, one said payback time and they shot him. You wouldn’t know anything about that, would you?” Bobby asked.

“Me? Why would I …” Lisa looked up at me.

“Why would you what, Lisa?” I asked.

“Uh, huh, Black.” Lisa sat up straight and gathered her robe together. “I don’t know nothing about it.”

Bobby sat down next to her. “I heard different.”

“Who told you some shit like that?” she asked nervously, but then her eyes narrowed. “Ain’t nobody told you that shit but Jemisha.” Lisa looked at me. “What, she come crying to you, Black, sayin’ I did it?”

“What were you and Whitey arguing about?” Bobby asked.

“I told him that I didn’t want to see him anymore.”

“That why he said he would kill you?”

Lisa laughed. “He said he would kill me if I told anybody his dick wouldn’t get hard no more,” she said, and we all fell out laughing. “Whitey got high blood pressure and he’s taking them pills,” Lisa laughed harder. “Now he can’t get it up.”

“That’s what the argument was about?” I asked and tried my best to stop laughing.

“I’m serious, Black. That’s all it was about. Jemisha just told you that shit cause she’s mad at me.”

“Why she mad at you?”

“’Cause I stopped fuckin with her a long time ago. I know that’s your girl and shit, Black, but I was only fuckin’ with her to get at Whitey. You know, ’cause he was workin’ with some shit before he got on them pressure pills.” Lisa raised her right hand to testify. “I swear on my grandmother, Black, that’s all this about.”

“Let’s go Bobby.”

“That’s all it was about?” Bobby asked as he and Lisa stood up.

“I’m serious, Bobby. It was all about this pussy,” Lisa said, and patted that fat cat.

“You know, I know all about that,” he said and stepped a little closer to Lisa. “So, when you need somebody to come hit that pussy right, call me,” Bobby said and suddenly Marquez Hernandez came busting out of the closet with a gun in his hand. Lisa ran into the bedroom.

“Stay away from my woman!” Marquez yelled, raised the gun and began firing.

Bobby didn’t have time to move, but it didn’t matter because Marquez missed every shot.

I raised my gun, fired once. It hit Marquez in the head.

“Now why he do some dumb shit like that?” Bobby asked as we approached the body. I kicked the gun out of the way and knelt down next to Marquez’s body.

“I don’t know, Bob,” I said and suddenly Lisa came charging out of the bedroom firing.

“You killed my man!”

She missed every shot.

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