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Virile (Whiskey Run Savage Ink 1)

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He laughs. “Okay, I have plenty to do, but nothing is as important as this.”

I nod to Treyton. “What about you? You can leave if you want to.”

But he’s already shaking his head. “I promised Aiden I would stay with you and Jessica. I’m not leaving.”

He’s gruff. He’s been gruff since he got here and Aiden introduced us. Guilt eats at me. I wouldn’t like me if I was him either.

In a low soft voice, I tell him, “I didn’t want to hurt him.”

Treyton’s eyes snap to mine, and he sighs loudly. Aiden warned me that Treyton doesn’t say much, but it’s got me on edge.

“I know you didn’t. Aiden explained it to me. I wish that I had done differently. That I had tried to help him find you instead of just thinking the worst of you. That’s on me.”

The gruff, tattooed guy is not mad. He’s eaten up with guilt. “It wasn’t your fault—"

But he interrupts me. “Gracie, I tried to get him to forget you. I’m glad he didn’t listen.”

I don’t know what to say. Obviously Treyton has been hurt before. I try and lighten the mood. “That’s okay. You can make it up to me by babysitting.”

His eyes get big, and he looks over at the sleeping Jessica. I expect him to say no but he surprises me. “If you trust me with her, I’ll do it.”

I shake my head. “Aiden obviously trusts you, so yeah. I do too.”

Treyton nods, and even though he doesn’t really smile, his lips do turn up on the sides.


I take the stairs up to the maternity floor. I all but run to get back to Gracie and Jessica. I know they’re okay, but I need to make sure I get there first. Uncle Jax’s surveillance team already informed me that Mayor Franklin is on the premises. I walk past the two guards outside Gracie’s room, and they both nod at me as I walk in.

Gracie’s whole face lights up when she sees me. I scan the room and find Jessica lying on my uncle’s chest.

“Hey, baby,” I say, going to Gracie. She lifts her face, and I can’t resist kissing her. Screw it; if Trey and Jax don’t like it, they don’t have to watch.

Reluctantly, I pull away. I put my hands on Gracie’s shoulders. “Gracie, honey, I don’t want you to be scared. Your dad is here at the hospital.”

She gasps, and her eyes go to Jessica. I put my hand on her arm. “Honey, it’s okay. She’s safe. You’re safe. The only reason I’m telling you is because I need to know if you want to see him. Do you have anything you have to say to him?”

She shakes her head side to side, and it kills me to see how scared she is and to think how many years she put up with his bullshit. “Are you sure? The FBI is here and is waiting on a nod from Uncle Jax. They’ll wait if you have something to say to him.”

“The FBI?”

I nod. “Yes. I guess your Aunt Bethany had enough dirt on him, and they’d already been investigating him. They tracked him down pretty quickly.”

She looks unsure. “So he has done something?”

I squeeze her hand and hesitate. Fuck, I hate having to tell her what a slimeball her dad is.

Uncle Jax clears his throat softly and talks low so as to not wake Jessica. “Yeah, honey, he’s responsible for six babies missing and at least seven women. There could be more.” Uncle Jax looks at his phone. “He’s about to get on the elevator.”

“I don’t want to see him. I don’t want him anywhere near our baby, Aiden.”

“Done,” Uncle Jax says.

Gracie takes a deep breath and lets it go. “Thank you. Thank all of you.”

Uncle Jax gets up and brings the baby to me, putting her in my arms like he’s been carrying babies his whole life. He leans over and kisses Gracie on the forehead. “You’re family now. You and Jessica. We take care of our own.”

Gracie sniffs and puts her arms around Jax’s neck. “Thank you, Uncle Jax.”

Jax is not really an emotional guy, but he seems affected by her gratitude. His phone dings, and he reads it. “It’s done. Mayor Franklin is in custody.”

Gracie lies back in the bed, and I swear I can see the relief on her face.

Uncle Jax pats me on the shoulder. “I’m leaving the guards outside until you go home. Take care of your family, son. Call if you need anything.”

“Thank you, Jax.”

As soon as Jax leaves, Treyton stands up. “I guess that’s my cue to go.”

“Not so fast, Treyton. I need a hug from you too,” Gracie says, holding her arms out toward Trey.

If it was anyone else, I’d probably put a stop to it. But not Trey. He always has my back. But I’m still surprised when he goes to the side of the bed and hugs Gracie.

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