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His Ex's Well-Kept Secret

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“Fair point.”

Piper noticed his sensual mouth had turned grim. His tone was equally hard when he spoke again. “Okay, just tell me the sapphires weren’t illegally acquired by either you or one of your ancestors.”

That was a question she could answer. “The gems are not stolen.”

Jaeger stood up straight, removed his jacket and rolled the cuffs of his shirt up to reveal strong wrists and corded forearms. “Okay, that’s a relief. I can deal with the rest. Let’s get to work.”

Happy they were off the land mine subject, Piper gestured to the Manet. “So, about Manet?”

Jaeger’s eyes darted from the painting to her face and back again. “I know absolutely nothing about art except what I like. Why?”

“Because it’s a fake.”

Jaeger winced before shrugging. “Not my problem.”

Piper rubbed her hands together and approached the collector’s cupboard containing what seemed like a hundred drawers.

“So, you’re going to buy me pizza if I find you a green diamond ring?” Piper clarified as she pulled out a drawer filled with rings nestled in foam rows.

She chuckled, reached for a ring and lifted the green gorgeousness up to the light. “Anchovies, capers and olives on mine, please.”


Jaeger, sitting on the Persian carpet in Piper’s den, grabbed a cold slice of pizza and placed another file back in the box, frustrated at not finding anything so far pertaining to the sapphires or Piper’s great-uncle.

Shoeless, he crossed his feet at the ankles as he munched his way through the slice. He’d arrived at Piper’s place midafternoon and she’d immediately sent him to the attic.

He should’ve agreed to let Rainn do the work, he thought. The space was dusty, overfull and dark, and he now had a backache from bending his too-long frame trying to shift boxes. Yet despite hauling boxes, Piper’s dishwater-tasting coffee—how could anyone mess up coffee?—and there being a baby in the house, he felt relaxed, at ease. The moment he’d stepped through her front door and into her slightly chaotic home, he’d felt his shoulders drop and the knots in his muscles loosen. He hadn’t felt this way about a house, a space, since he’d left the family brownstone to go off to college.

He liked being here, and he didn’t like it that he liked it. Dammit.

He’d ordered pizza while Piper fed and bathed Ty, trying his best to stay out of their way. Ty was, as Piper informed him, not fully well and unusually fussy, which meant Piper had him on her hip for much of the afternoon. It had taken her ages to get Ty to settle, and when she returned, she’d eaten one slice of pizza and curled up on the couch. She’d fallen asleep about an hour ago. Jaeger glanced at his watch; it was a little past seven and he needed to leave for dinner at the Den. His family was expecting him.

Standing up, he stretched before shutting the pizza box and picking up the papers below Piper’s hand. He placed them back in the folder and put it on the coffee table, staring down at the sleeping beauty below him.

She wasn’t classically beautiful, he thought. Her chin was a bit too stubborn and her cheekbones a little too pronounced, but she was fascinating. Strong, charismatic, interesting.

Interesting was far more dangerous than beautiful, he thought, and a lot harder to resist.

Brain injury or not, how could he have forgotten meeting her before? They’d had dinner—he knew that—but what else? Had he kissed her? Did he try to take her to bed? Was this a new attraction, or had he felt the same in Milan? Jaeger cursed, frustrated. He needed to remember her.

God, she was hot...

Two fiery kisses were nowhere near enough. He wanted to kneel on the wide couch and wake her up with kisses along the cords of her throat. He would suck her plump lower lip into his mouth, giving it a light nip, followed by a soothing swipe of his tongue. He wanted to know how her breasts filled his hands, whether her nipples were as succulent as he suspected. He wanted to taste her, stroke her, slide into her. Thoughts of doing all three constantly snuck up on him, and at night, his fantasies took flight. When he did sleep, it was to dream of her.

She’d told him she hadn’t slept much last night, but he knew Ty had kept her up, not thoughts of him. She had blue stripes under her eyes, and her skin looked a shade or two paler than her normal creamy complexion. Interesting be damned—she was beautiful. She was his type of beautiful.

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