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His Ex's Well-Kept Secret

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Realistically, Jaeger wasn’t the type of guy she should have been thinking about, the type of guy she needed in her life. He was a rolling stone, someone who openly and consistently said he wasn’t interested in settling down, or in relationships, or in being a husband or father. He did not want to be tied down.

Just like her own father.

Piper pushed the tips of her fingers into her temples to release the tension building behind her eyes. She had to stop thinking about Jaeger. He was someone who’d dropped back into her life last week and was going to drop out again when Ballantyne and Company bought her stones.

Maybe her intense reaction to him was a sign she should start dating again. Maybe if she’d had a relationship with someone else, had dated someone other than herself since Milan, she wouldn’t be feeling so, jeez, horny. Crazy. Frustrated.

And if she started dating again, maybe, one day, she might meet a guy who would love both her and Ty, who’d be an amazing husband, a superb lover, her best friend and a man who’d be prepared to be Ty’s dad, too.

Yeah, and a purple unicorn wearing sparkly red shoes and a tiara just flew past the window of her taxi.

Piper heard her phone ringing and pulled it out of her purse, frowning when she didn’t recognize the number.

“Ms. Mills, it’s Simms.”

The lawyer handling her father’s estate. Piper felt the pain behind her left eye increase and pushed her fingers into her temple, hoping to push the ache away.

“I’m sorry to call you so late, but I thought it important you know that I can’t delay putting the Park Slope house up for auction. It will have to be sold as soon as possible, just like your father’s other properties.”

It took Piper a moment for his words to make sense, and when they did, a cold hand squeezed her heart. No! She needed more time to raise the cash.

“What’s changed?” Piper asked, grimacing at the wobble in her voice.

“We’ve discovered your father owes more to creditors than we thought, and we’re auctioning off the properties as soon as possible.”

God! “When?”

“I don’t have a definite date but...soon,” Simms replied, sounding sympathetic. “I’m sorry. I really wanted to give you some time.”

“Could I make an offer on the property before it goes to auction?” Piper asked.

“We’ll entertain an offer, but it will have to be for the full market value. Or else you’d have to bid at the auction and take your chances.”

Piper exhaled. “How much do they want?”

“It’s in a good area, on a good street. It’s a very desirable property. Three point two million but I’m sure you could beat them down.”

“And my deadline?”


Piper couldn’t believe this was happening. With acid churning in her stomach, she told Simms she’d get back to him and disconnected.

Taking a deep breath, she dialed Jaeger’s number. When he answered, she said, “I need to see you. Now.”

* * *

Jaeger opened his door to a white-faced Piper. Tension tightened her amazing eyes, and her wide mouth was a slash in her face. She looked on the verge of snapping.

She needed a large glass of wine or some fantastic sex. He could provide both, at the same time if necessary. He was talented that way.

Jaeger gestured her inside and took her coat, which he hung on a steel-and-wood coat stand by the door. She wore a tight black turtleneck tucked into a gray-and-black tartan skirt and long leather boots. Her penny-colored curls were pulled off her face into a tight knot, and she wore black-rimmed glasses. She looked like a hot professor. Jaeger mentally stripped her of the skirt and sweater, loosened her hair and left her in those glasses and boots. He instantly went from interested to aching.

Like he always did when she stepped into the room. Or looked at him. Or breathed.

Jaeger walked away from her and headed to the fridge, hoping the cavernous empty space would distract him from thoughts of leading Piper straight to his bedroom.

“Would you like some wine?”

“No, but thanks. What I do need is three million for the sapphires. Preferably by yesterday.”

What? Jaeger straightened and turned, lust temporarily pushed aside. His brain clicked into gear and he frowned. “I thought I had another week before I had to make an offer.”

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