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His Ex's Well-Kept Secret

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Why was she okay with him dropping in and out of her life? Didn’t she realize that she deserved more, that she had a right to ask for what she wanted? Maybe this loose arrangement was all she wanted...and why did that irritate him?

He was losing it. Jaeger placed a kiss on her forehead and deliberately pushed his frustration away. “You’re easy to be with, Piper Mills,” he murmured into her hair, his words so low he wasn’t sure if she heard him. “And I still have the morning free.”

Piper stretched her neck and her lips grazed the underside of his jaw, painting streaks of fire on his skin. He closed his eyes and felt her move away, and he hissed his disappointment. His eyes opened when he felt the bed covers move off his chest and then his thighs, to be replaced with a slim, sexy, fragrant woman.

Piper straddled his legs, her knees against his hips and her hands on his chest, her happy place an inch away from his. He swelled beneath her and his hands skimmed up the sides of her rib cage, his thumbs swiping across her nipples. Piper’s eyes darkened and her mouth opened, but she didn’t break eye contact.

She dropped her hips and her heat met his hardness. Jaeger groaned, thinking this was the best type of torture, the sweetest hell. She could spend the next day—year, decade—just sliding up and down his shaft and he would be content to stare into her eyes, wondering what it was about this woman that captured his fascination.

Oh, her long, slim body was a turn-on, and she was as beautiful without makeup as she was with it. Her hair was soft and silky. He picked up the curl skimming the top of her breast and wound it around his finger. He brushed her nipple with her own hair. Piper shuddered and he watched her, desperately trying to ignore her slick, wet heat sliding across him.

He wanted to delay this, wanted to slow down and watch her enjoy him. He wanted to figure out what made this woman so different.

Maybe it was the fleeting emotions flashing in her eyes, which were the exact green of a tsavorite garnet. But the emotions were there and gone before he could identify them. Lust and desire were easy to recognize; she wanted him as much as he wanted her. But behind those feelings he sensed her desire to connect, to push away loneliness, to feel wanted in a nonsexual way.

He understood.

Jaeger lifted his hand and cradled her face. As her eyes closed, he watched her turn her face into his hand, seeking more. Yeah, Piper needed tenderness, affection, a connection...

He couldn’t give it to her.

She wasn’t asking for a lifetime commitment, Jaeger argued with his inner cynic. All she was silently asking for was a brief moment to pretend this was more than an exchange of pleasure, more than a big bang on a Saturday morning.

Or is a connection what you want?

Did he want a different sexual experience that had nothing to do with sex and everything to do with giving and receiving emotion, appreciation, acceptance, affection?

Jaeger skimmed his thumb across her lower lip. When her eyes connected with his, he saw his need for more—just this one time—reflected in those pure green depths. Unable to resist, he placed his hands on her hips and flipped her under him, holding himself up and away to keep from touching her. He just needed a moment to look at her, to burn the memory of her—so soft, so feminine, so open—into his brain.

“I need to love you.”

Dammit, he didn’t mean to say the words out loud.

Piper gave him a look he couldn’t decipher. Then she linked her arms around his neck and pulled him down so they lay hip to hip, chest to breast. Her legs fell open. He nudged at her opening and groaned, feeling her fiery welcome on his tip.

He wanted more, he wanted to explore, but Piper lifted her hips and slid onto him, hot and tight. When he tried to pull out, she locked her legs around his hips to hold him in place. She surged upward again, and he was buried so deep inside her that his brain shut down and instinct took over.

He didn’t need to move. Piper was moving enough for both of them, setting the pace. All he had to do was hold on for the ride. It was a strange experience, letting her take control, but it was massively erotic. With every thrust, she squeezed and he felt the pressure build. He gritted his teeth, willing himself to let her drive, knowing the orgasm she pulled from him would be one of the best of his life.

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