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Heartbreak Summer (Second Chance Romance)

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"I'm working," I reply, but if I said my heart wasn't beating a thousand miles per hour, I'd be lying to myself. "Did you need something?"

He shrugs and strolls inside the kitchen without asking if he may do so, which makes me furious. I blush, but I don't let myself say anything, pouting instead. He grabs an apple from the fruit basket on the counter, throwing it in the air and biting into the fruit with a crunch.

I'm transported back in time, remembering how much this habit used to annoy me that summer. Somehow though, it feels bittersweet.

"So, you and Adrian, huh?" Dom asks me. Is there a note of anger in his voice or am I imagining it?

"Yep," I answer simply, picking up my coffee cup and taking a long sip, scalding myself with the hot beverage. I'm afraid of getting up, scared my legs will give out underneath me if I do so.

"You don't care that he–" Dom begins, but I cut him off.

"No, I don't," I say. "I don't give a fuck, actually. And I would appreciate it if you stayed out of my business."

All of a sudden, adrenaline takes over and I get up abruptly, walking right up to him and looking into his surprised face. The smirk is still present, and I resent him for that. Resent him for taking the easy way out, for not being damaged by that summer, when I'm all broken inside.

"I understand you wanted to come to your mother's wedding, Dom," I tell him, trying to keep some semblance of calmness. "Even though I've been more of a daughter to her than you have a son for all these years."

I can tell my words have cut deep, and if I weren't so angry, I’m sure I'd regret them instantly.

"You may think you can stroll back in my life and pretend everything is okay," I tell him coldly. "But I haven't forgotten what happened. You made a bet about me, you prick!" My voice is raised at this point, and I'm almost shouting.

Instead of nodding remorsefully, Dom grabs my hips and pulls me closer. I let out a breath, feeling like I've been holding it in for years. But he doesn't kiss me, he just pulls me until I'm a few inches away from his strong muscular body, glaring at me.

"I made a bet with the man you are engaged to," he tells me angrily. "What makes him so different from me? Why would you choose him over me?"

"Because he stayed," I reply. "He helped me. He fucking cared, Dom, and you just left and never came back. You never thought about me after all that happened. And you didn't even say goodbye to my daddy."

There are hot tears in my eyes, but I'm more surprised by the change in Dom. His fingers dig into my skin and his eyes are burning into me.

"You told me to leave," he reminds me. "You made me swear, made me promise. I left because you wanted it, not me."

My resolve is weakening by the second, and I pry his fingers off my body. I know he's right. It was my decision – one that I've been regretting ever since it all went down that summer.

"Dom, nothing could ever happen between us, anyway," I protest, raising my gaze to his wounded eyes. "You were my stepbrother. We were siblings by marriage."

"But we aren't related," he says furiously, grabbing my hand and clutching it to his heart. I look into his eyes, seeing the desperation I so badly need him to feel. I can sense his heartbeat under my palm, and it hurts, knowing he still wants this to happen.

I have to remind myself I'm an engaged woman. I have the perfect fiancé – handsome, caring, kind. I've already made my choice, and there's no going back now.

"Dom, there's no point in us arguing," I say, prying my hand away from his tight grip. "There's nothing left between us. Nothing. Let's just move on."

I walk away right then, leaving him standing alone in the kitchen. I'm well aware of the fact that staying behind might convince me to do something very, very foolish.

As much as I try to convince myself, I can't deny the truth in the end. Dom Manning will always make my heart race, my blood heat and my pussy wet.

I look at the floor guiltily. His mere touch has made me wet, drenching my panties – something that has never, ever happened with Adrian.

Have I made a mistake? I let myself wonder for a second, then shake my head and purse my lips. Pushing the sudden doubt away, I move on with my day. I can't afford another heartbreak.

Chapter 25


I can't get the scene from the kitchen out of my head. My obsession is worse now than it was when we were younger, and I'm realizing it will be harder and harder to forget about her.

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