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Claim Her (The Warriors of Hades 1)

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He gestured for her to have a seat in the sitting area. She eyed it but didn’t refuse. Once she was seated, he got her a mug filled with water and some Leena meat they dried into strips of jerky. She might have said she wasn’t hungry, but he didn’t know the last time she had eaten, and feeding his female pleased him.

He went back to her, handed her the items, and once she took them, he sat in the seat across from her. “I inserted a translator so we can communicate. I don’t think this pairing would have been very good if we couldn’t speak to one another.”

She nodded, looked down at the mug, and then slowly brought it up to her mouth.

“What are you called?”

She took a sip and then licked her bottom lip, collecting a bead of water on the tip of her tongue. Good heavens, was that a hot fucking sight to witness. His cock jerked forward, all but cursing him for not claiming her right then.

“Tessa.” She said her name softly, and all Rylan could imagine was her whispering filthy things while he fucked her hard.

He leaned back on the bench. “I am called Rylan.” Arms behind his head and legs kicked out in front of him, Rylan enjoyed just watching her. He couldn’t remember when he had ever felt this sensation inside him. It was contentment at its finest, and he relished it. “You are here because you are to be my mate, my female, and the one who I will breed my young upon.” Her eyes widened, and he saw the pulse at the base of her throat jump. “But it isn’t just me you shall be claimed by, but my brothers as well.”

Before she could say anything, the sound of his brothers coming in from the entrance of the cave echoed off the walls. His female stood quickly, spun around, and stared at the twins, backing up with almost panicked strides.

“It’s okay, Tessa. Everything is okay.” Rylan stood slowly, moved close to her, and grinned down at her and the fact that she didn’t retreat from him. She may have just come into his life, but there was an instinctual part of her that knew he wouldn’t harm her and that she could be protected if in his presence.

He was staring into her face when he sensed his brothers’ movements still. Rylan reached out, took her shoulders in his hands, and moved her so he was behind his mate.

She would soon be aware that it wasn’t just him that she was mated to, but also the two males staring at her with hungry expressions.


Tessa stared at the two huge, alien males in front of her. Rylan stood behind her and had his big hands on her shoulders, her flesh puckering from the sensation. He moved from behind her and went to stand with the other two males. She was to belong to all three of these fearsome-looking creatures.

She was way out of her element here. Ever since she was born, all she had known was living a very simple life with other humans. The only planet she had ever called home housed other species, of course, but her camp of humans only ventured far enough to hunt for food or gather water.

As a species that was on the verge of nonexistence, they didn’t take risks and sure as hell didn’t go looking for trouble. But here she was, standing before three males who looked like they wanted to devour her, and as much as she should run for her life, she knew the world that awaited her outside this cave would not be forgiving if she ventured through it.

But she also hadn’t been harmed, and in fact Rylan allowed her to bathe privately, had given her food, water, and something to cover her body with. Even if their presence was intimidating, her instincts didn’t scream at her that this was a perilous situation. That was strange to her, but she had always trusted her instincts.

The three males moved over to the sitting area after several moments of no one speaking.

“Are you sure the translator works? She hasn’t said anything since we entered.” One of the twins, whom she heard addressed as Soran, had his legs stretched out in front of him and a smirk on his face as he lounged in one of the seats.

The fear she initially felt had since vanished, because she knew these men didn’t mean her any harm. They could have easily hurt her a hundred times over by now.

“She is quite lush for a human.” The one named Zarek made no secret of it as he moved his black eyes up and down her body, and although she still wore the hide, Tessa felt completely bared to them. “Oh, she understands quite well.” Zarek grinned, and his sharpened incisors flashed like a wild animal about to attack its prey. “Speak, female. Let us hear your voice.”

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