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Boss (Killer of Kings 7)

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The old man was terrified of the Circle of Monsters. Viko obviously had a reputation that preceded him. With that kind of power, there were always opportunists looking to get a slice of the pie. Boss was constantly shutting down anyone stepping out of line on his turf back home.

Viko laughed out loud. “You have no idea what these drugs have cost me, old man.”

“Where’s the antidote?” asked Boss.

“He wants to make me fall, the little shit.” Viko kept ranting, his emotions taking control once again. This time he was sober. “I’ll cut off his balls for this.”

“Where’s the antidote?” Boss repeated, speaking louder this time.

The scientist turned to him. “Gone.”


“He took it for assurance. Even my original notes where I have my formulas.”

“Fuck,” said Xavier.

“Now what?” asked Killian.

This wasn’t good. Manuel knew they were after him and now had what they needed. “Where’s Manuel now? How long ago did he leave?”

“An hour or so,” said the scientist. “He lives far from here in the city. I swear he gave me no details. I never question him.”

Boss ran a hand through his hair as he exhaled his frustration. “Put him in the back of the truck. We’re heading to the city. Killian, get Maurice on the fucking phone. I need a location on Viola’s cell.”

Viko’s man had kidnapped the scientist in Colombia, forcing him to make his formula over here where they shipped it out as mints. Without Manuel, without the antidote or formula, Bain’s hours were numbered.


“Bastard,” Graciella cursed under her breath for the dozenth time. She was supposed to be tracking the scientist with the “team,” not left behind like unwanted trash.

She’d made her way downstairs and found some old wire to use for her handcuffs within minutes. The old warehouse was littered with debris, metal, and old strapping. It had been emptied in a hurry. There were even some valuable tools and machinery that had been left behind in the rush. As she stepped out onto the street, she had no doubt every item of value would be gone by morning.

She wasn’t in Kansas anymore.

The neighborhood didn’t intimidate her, even if she wasn’t dressed for it. She’d grown up in much worse places. Graciella tossed the cuffs and headed down the bustling street. There were people, vendors, and stray dogs everywhere. Familiar smells flooded her senses. Almost immediately, she’d been propositioned and catcalled. And she knew there were men following her. What she needed was a man with a car, preferably one with A/C. Her full leather attire was ill-suited for her current environment and attracting way too much attention.

Graciella unzipped the top of her leather bustier, showing a bit of cleavage. “Can I use your phone?” she asked a guy leaning against a brick wall.

He smiled and passed it to her. Graciella logged into her secure app and checked on the tracker she’d placed on Viko. Widow Maker wasn’t a hugger, but it had been the perfect opportunity to tag him. There were audio and GPS she needed to review.

“Sorry, I need to keep this.”

She reached into her bra and pulled out her roll of cash, paying him more than the phone was worth. There were so many eyes on her. Flashing money in a place like this wasn’t smart for a single woman. But she was too focused on her task to think about it.

All she cared about now was reviewing her app and planning her next move.

Boss drove her crazy. She wanted to kill him and fuck him simultaneously. He’d left her behind, but she’d also double-crossed him by attempting to tag him. Apparently, Viko wasn’t as observant in his inebriated state.

She held the phone to her ear as she scanned for a suitable ride.

Manuel Viola? He’d managed to slip away with the antidote. Graciella was in the heart of the city and they were hours away, according to the GPS. She had to act now.

What she needed first was a gun … or preferably guns. Even a knife would do. Thanks to Boss, she had nothing useful on her except the cash she’d kept hidden. She left the main strip and slipped into an alleyway, walking faster. She really needed some shoes without heels.

Her intuition was strong, and she felt their presence before she heard a sound. Graciella bent to adjust her shoe but used the opportunity to size up the three men shadowing her. They were in the alley now, and there was no escape. She didn’t even have a purse, so she had no doubt what they wanted from her. Only they weren’t going to get it.

There wasn’t much alley left, but she stood up and kept walking, scanning the entire area, coming up with her plan.

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