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At the Ruthless Billionaire's Command

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Gregorio loved her. She loved him.

And whether Gregorio ever asked her that question or not was unimportant, because she had absolutely no doubt they would be spending the rest of their lives together.


Three months later

‘YOU LOOK BEAUTIFUL,’ Cathy said emotionally as she adjusted Lia’s veil outside the church in her role as matron of honour.

Today was the happiest day of Lia’s life. The day she and Gregorio were to be married.

She glanced down at the engagement ring she had transferred to her right hand for the duration of the ceremony. A solitaire yellow diamond, as Gregorio had said it would be. To Lia it was a symbol of their love and happiness together, and a promise for their future.

‘Do stop fidgeting, Rick,’ Cathy teased her husband as he stood beside Lia, ready to escort her inside the church and give her into Gregorio’s safekeeping for the rest of their lives together. ‘You look gorgeous,’ she reassured him with a light kiss to his lips.

Lia found it hard to believe that this was happening. Six months ago she had thought her world was coming to an end—now she knew it was just beginning.

This was the first day of the rest of her life with Gregorio, as his wife.

‘Ready?’ Cathy prompted brightly.

‘Oh, yes,’ Lia confirmed without hesitation.

The last three months had been a rollercoaster of emotions. Gregorio’s telling her he loved her. David’s arrest and charges of embezzlement and fraud having been added to the charge of grievous bodily harm for his attack on Lia. Her days being occupied with making a success of her job at the Exemplar Hotel—which she had. And all her nights being spent in Gregorio’s arms.

Throughout it all Gregorio had been the constant. Always there. And always, always assuring her of his deep love for her.

Today was their wedding day. A day when they would reaffirm their love for each other before family and friends.

She placed her hand on Rick’s forearm before stepping forward, which was the signal for the two ushers to open the church doors and for ‘The Wedding March’ to be played.

And there, waiting for her at the altar, stood Gregorio, love and pride shining unreservedly in his eyes as he looked at her.

An unshakable love Lia knew she would return for the rest of her life.

* * * * *

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