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Crazy Imperfect Love (Dirty Dicks 2.50)

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The look on his face makes me wish I could take back my words.

“I’m not here permanently. I took a position with a traveling nurse agency. Hannah knew the hospital was desperate for help, I was looking for a change, and getting placed here was a win-win for both of us.”

My night with Drake was so much more than a one-night stand. He renewed my self-confidence. He breathed life into a soul that had been slowly dying over the last several years. He showed me that I can take chances, have fun, and enjoy myself without getting lost in my head. I walked away from him the next morning feeling like a new woman, with a sense of freedom I hadn’t felt in…years. I owe him so much, and I would love more than anything to pursue this attraction that smolders between us.

Except we can’t.

Drake runs a hand through his already messy brown hair and rests his elbows on the table. “That’s not exactly what I was wanting to hear.”

I lean back in my seat. “Plus, you’re the chief surgeon.”

“What does that matter?” He tilts his head, and I see the moment understanding dawns. He sighs and looks down at his hands.

“You’re in a position of authority, and the hospital has a strict non-fraternization policy.”

“Damn,” he huffs, studying his plate as though it holds all the answers. “Now what?”

“I think we do the only thing we can do: agree that our night together was amazing—”

He looks up. “Beyond amazing.” He leans toward me and lowers his voice. “The chemistry between us was off the charts. I know you felt it, Abigail.”

“God, yes. Of course I did. But my job is important, and so is yours, and neither career is worth a relationship that can’t possibly last beyond the next month and a half.”

“I don’t know if I can work with you every day and not want to touch you.”

I clasp my hands together under the table to keep from reaching for him. “Why do you think I was so angry to see you here this morning?”

“I just thought you were upset because I lied. I’m sorry about that, by the way.”

“You’re forgiven. And I was upset about that.” I give him a wistful smile. “But I was also upset because I knew it meant we can only be friends.”

“Friends,” he states.

A thick silence surrounds us. We watch each other, waiting. Eventually, Drake blows out a breath, grabs his tray, and stands up.


“I don’t know if I can be just your friend, Abigail.”

Chapter 2


If something seems too good to be true, it usually is. I’ve always lived by that rule. That’s why I’m not the least bit surprised by the Abigail situation. In today’s world, women are ruthless, cold, and after one goddamn thing. Few and far between are the good women—the ones with a genuine heart of gold, sense of humor, and a big, beautiful brain. The second I laid eyes on Abigail, I knew she was a good one. And that was confirmed after spending the night with her.

It killed me to drop her off at the airport the next morning knowing I’d probably never see her again, but I didn’t have a choice. Her life was in Texas, and mine was in Montana. After several long kisses goodbye, we decided not to exchange numbers or emails before parting ways. Keep it simple. That’s what we decided. But I knew the second I merged back onto the freeway that it had been a huge mistake.

I hate to admit that it took me three weeks to pull my head out of my ass and realize she’d been wearing a bridesmaid’s dress that night, and all I had to do was ask Hannah for her information. Which is exactly what I had planned on doing until the woman herself showed up at the hospital—my hospital—looking all cute in lavender scrubs with her hair piled on her head in a messy bun and that sweet smile that I can’t stop thinking about.

That’s the moment I should’ve known things were too good to be true. A man doesn’t get a job he loves, great sex, and the girl who gave it to him. That would be way too much to ask for.

I’ve got the perfect job. I’ve had the best sex of my life. And now I have to forget the girl.

That last one is proving harder than I thought, and it’s only been thirty-six hours since she waltzed back into my life.

I unlock the door to my Tahoe, pull it open, and sink onto the front seat. I drop my head back and groan in pure exhaustion. I’m used to working twelve-hour shifts, sometimes longer. Yet typically when I get off work, I’ve still got energy to blow at the gym. Today is different. Today I’ve got nothing but a serious case of blue balls.

All day I waited to see her. I looked for her everywhere—in the cafeteria, the break room, down every hall. It took me four hours to realize she had the day off, and the only reason I got that far was because Hannah told me.

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