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The Truth About Lennon

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Charlotte rolls her eyes. “Bullshit.” She points at me. “You know as well as I do that that’s something parents and teachers tell kids to keep them from feeling like shit for asking a stupid question. And that, sweet Lennon, was a stupid question. Everyone knows the pink Starbursts are superior.”

“Says you.”

“Whatever.” Charlotte picks out all of the pink ones and dumps the rest in my lap. “Don’t try to change the subject. We’re not talking about my addiction to pink Starbursts; we’re talking about you and your hot-as-fuck love life.”

“You need to get laid.”

“Tell me about it.”

“Evening, ladies.” Charlotte and I both peer up, blocking the evening sun with our hands. Mikey stands in front of us in his paramedic gear, and out of the corner of my eye, I see Charlotte perk up in her seat.

“Hey, Mikey. Are you working today?” I ask.

“You don’t listen very well, do ya?” He grins, shaking his head. “I told you, I always work.”

“Right.” I nod, glancing toward Charlotte again.

She’s now chewing at a snail’s pace, her eyes roaming over Mikey’s physique, and I see my first opportunity to play matchmaker.

I turn back to Mikey. “Mikey, this is my friend Charlotte.” He holds out his hand and Charlotte takes it. “Charlotte, this is Noah’s friend Mikey.”

He kisses her knuckles and says, “It’s always a pleasure meeting a beautiful woman.”

Charlotte grins. “I bet you say that to all the girls.”

“I would if they all looked like you.”

Blushing, Charlotte slips her hand from his, and I clear my throat.

“Mikey, Charlotte and I are going out for drinks this weekend, if you want to come,” I offer.

“We are?”

I nudge Charlotte, and she quickly recovers.

“I mean, yes, we are. You should come.”

Mikey turns his dark eyes toward Charlotte and smiles. Only it isn’t just any smile, because I’ve seen Mikey smile. This smile is blinding. It’s cocky, it’s panty-dropping, and he’s never smiled at me like that.

Holy shit, I think he likes her.

“Maybe I will,” he says. Then he disappear

s just as quickly as he showed up.

“Well, that was awkward,” Charlotte mumbles, watching Mikey’s ass as he walks away.

“Lennon! Lennon!” Nova comes running across the field, sliding to a stop in front of us. “Did you see me make that goal?”

“I did! You were the best player out there!” I hold my hand in the air, and she slaps it.

“Come on, Nova!” One of her teammates grabs her arm, dragging her away. “Let’s go to the park.”

“Bye, Lennon!”

I wave my fingers, watching as the two girls hightail it toward the playground that sits adjacent to the soccer fields.

“Houston, we have a problem,” Charlotte says.

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