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The Truth About Lennon

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“Unless you can deliver.”

“If your daughter weren’t here, I would.”

“Speaking of Nova, how’s she been today?” I ask, unwrapping my sandwich. I take a hearty bite as Lennon tells me their trip to the fabric shop, and by the time she’s finished, so

am I.

“Did you even chew your food or just swallow it whole?” she jokes.

I pat my stomach. “I’m a growing boy. Speaking of food, what do you want to have for dinner tonight? I think Mikey is going to join us. He has the night off.”

“Whatever you want. I’m up for anything. Oh! Speaking of Mikey, I’m totally playing matchmaker.”

”What do you mean you’re playing matchmaker?”

“I swear he and Charlotte had a moment at the soccer game, so we’re all going out for drinks this weekend.”

In the back of my mind, I knew a moment like this would come: the stark reality of what it’s like to date as a single parent, the reminder that there are reasons I might not be a good fit for Lennon. She’s young, beautiful, and vibrant, with the whole world in front of her and nothing holding her back. I don’t see Nova as holding me back by any means—that girl means the world to me, and I wouldn’t trade her for anything—but I’m a single father, and my time isn’t really my time.

“I can’t.”

Lennon’s face falls. “What do you mean, you can’t?”

“I’ve got Nova.”

“We can get a sitter. Maybe your mom can…”

I shake my head, and Lennon’s words trail off.

“My parents watch her all week long. I refuse to ask them to help out on the weekends unless it’s an emergency.”

Understanding washes across her face. “Right. I understand.”

“But you should go. Have fun with your friends and stop by the house afterward.”

“No.” Lennon grabs my hand. “I’d rather stay home with you and Nova anyway. I’ll just tell Charlotte I can’t go, and if she decides to go out with Mikey regardless, it’s her choice.”


“I said it’s fine. Now stop. It’s not a big deal.”

“What’s not a big deal?” Nova asks, running into the room.

Lips pursed, I give Lennon a stern look. “This conversation isn’t over,” I whisper before turning to Nova. “Geez, you’re nosy.”

She gives me a wide grin and grabs Lennon’s hand.

“What do you two girls have planned for the rest of the afternoon?”

“A tea party!”

Lennon looks down at Nova. “I was thinking more along the lines of a nap.”

Wrinkling her nose, Nova shakes her head. “I don’t take naps.”

“Bummer.” Lennon looks up at me. “I guess we’re having a tea party.”

Nova tugs on Lennon hand, but I manage to squeeze in a kiss for both of them before they head out.

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