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Pretty Pink Ribbons (A Touch of Fate 2)

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Me: you have ten seconds to open this door or I’m breaking in ;)

I mentally count to seven when the door flies open and a strong arm shoots out, hooking around my waist and hauling me inside. Levi gathers me in close. “I missed you.” He nudges my head to the side and his lips descend on my neck as he walks us backward. He’s nipping and sucking, and it’s driving me absolutely wild. My back bumps into the bar and Levi’s fingers find the button of my pants. Before I’m able to comprehend what he’s doing, he’s divested me of both my jeans and panties.


“No one’s here, babe.” He grips my hips firmly and hoists me up onto the cool wood. He plants his ass firmly on a stool, putting himself at eye level with my lady parts. I can’t find it in me to be uncomfortable because the look on Levi’s face is turning me inside out. His lips are parted, eyes clouded, and when I spread my legs, he sucks in a sharp breath through his gritted teeth. His large hands make their way up my thighs, and just when they get to where I want them most, he stops and turns his face up to mine. “Take your shirt off.”

Holy shit. The intensity of his voice leaves me no option but to submit and obey . . . which I do. One by one, my fingers unbutton my blouse, and Levi’s eyes swirl with lust as the front of my body becomes exposed. I shrug my shoulders and the flimsy material pools around my bottom on the bar. Then my fingers move to the clasp of my bra, and with my eyes locked firmly on his, I flick it open and toss it to the side. My body is now on full display and I’m finding it extremely erotic that Levi is still fully dressed. His hands slide under my thighs and he tugs me forward until my butt is nearly hanging off the edge of the bar. His fingers skate down my calves and then he props each foot on a barstool on either side of him.

“Gorgeous.” His rough voice glides over my skin, infusing me with a need that I didn’t even know existed. My body is humming with desire, and if he doesn’t touch me soon, I may actually combust. Callused hands slowly make their way up my thighs, and when two fingers thrust inside of me, my head drops back between my shoulders, a soft moan falling from my lips. “Look at me, Laney.” My head is heavy, but I manage to lift it. His fingers are pumping inside of me and with each pass he twists them, causing me to jerk off the bar. “How many men have you been with, Laney?”

“Wh-what?” I stammer, too engrossed in what his magical fingers are doing to my body to actually have a conversation.

“I asked how many men you’ve been with.” The pads of his fingers hit a swollen spot deep inside of me and my eyes drift shut.

“Oh, God.” Small bolts of electricity start sparking low in my spine when his thumb hits my clit. “Levi—” His name is an urgent plea, and just when his fingers should once again plunge inside of me, he completely removes his hands and my eyes jolt open. My chest is heaving and I lick a slow path along my bottom lip. “What’s wrong?” I pant, tempted to put my foot down and demand that he give me back his fingers.

“I asked you a question. I expect an answer.” His voice is steady and strong, but I can see the uncertainty floating in his eyes. Whatever the question was, my answer matters.

“What was the question?” I ask, slightly out of breath.

“How many men have you been with?” His jaw clenches, his eyes bouncing between mine. I’ve been waiting for him to ask me this—or more importantly, I’ve been waiting to give him this answer.

“I’ve only been with one man,” I state with a smile. His eyes light up and he tilts his head to the side.

“You’ve only been with one man since me? Wow.” He rubs a hand over his shaven head.

“No,” I correct him, shaking my head. “I’ve only been with one man . . . ever.”

“WHAT?” HE STANDS UP between my legs

and places a hand on each side of my neck. “You haven’t been with another man . . . ever?” I wish he didn’t sound so shocked. If I could somehow show him my soul and the imprint that he’s made on it, then maybe he would understand why. I shake my head and he takes a deep breath, blowing it out, nice and slow.

“Just me,” he clarifies. “You’ve only been with me?” The look of hope and longing in his eyes is almost too much to handle. I nod my head and Levi tugs my face in close to his and drops his forehead to mine. His thumbs glide along my jaw, and he’s holding me and looking at me like I’m a fragile doll. The moment is intimate so I don’t move because I’m trying memorize every last touch and sound and smell and—

“I love you, Laney,” he chokes out, completely catching me by surprise.

“What?” I gasp, fisting my hand in the front of his shirt. A pained look overcomes his face and his lips find mine. This kiss isn’t heated and passionate, and it isn’t sweet and innocent. It’s the kiss of a man and woman who are vowing to love each other; it’s the kiss of two souls who have come together after a lifetime of searching. It’s a kiss to end all other kisses.

Levi’s lips are molded to mine, our tongues sliding and twirling and tasting, and tears are falling from my eyes at a rapid pace. “I love you so much,” he mumbles in between kisses. His words are infused with passion, and I feel like my heart literally just lifted from my chest and laid itself in his lap. It may as well have because he owns it.

“I’m so sorry I didn’t say it sooner, baby. Trust me, I wanted to.” My hands grip his wrists on either side of my head and I give him a watery smile. “It has killed me to not say it back to you. Every time you said it and I made myself keep quiet, I was ripping my own heart out, and every time your face dropped when I didn’t return the words, I knew I was slowly tearing you up inside. I didn’t want you to think I was saying it because of the cancer or the chemo, because that doesn’t even factor in. When I finally said it, I wanted you to know that I was saying it because I fell in love with you all over again. Every day I want you to know how much I love you. I don’t want you to ever walk away from me or hang up the phone and think that I don’t love you just as much—if not more—than you love me, because I do. You’re my heart, Laney.”

His words are like a soothing balm to my aching chest and warmth settles throughout my body. “I love you, too—so much. And please don’t be sorry,” I tell him as his hand darts out, wiping away my tears. “I knew you loved me. Even without the words, I knew it. I saw it every time you looked at me and felt it every time you touched me. There wasn’t a doubt in my mind that you felt the same way, but it’s still really great to finally hear.” My lips meet his. “Say it again,” I whisper, then bury my face into the side of his neck. His arms circle around me and he rubs a hand down my head.

“I love you.” He kisses my temple. “I love you so much.” He kisses my other temple. “I love you more.” His fingers lift my face and he kisses my nose. “I love you always.” He kisses my lips, and this time it’s ravenous and full of possession. This time his mouth dominates mine, his tongue pushing and demanding. My hands make their way to his hair, and he swallows my growl when I realize there is no hair for me to grip.

“I need you, Levi.” My voice is gravelly and sounds foreign to my own ears. He moves to unbutton his shirt and I stop his movements. “What are you doing?”

“I’m going to get naked and make love to you.”

“No,” I state firmly, cocking my head. “You’re going to leave your clothes on and start where you left off.”

“But I wasn’t going to make love to you, Laney,” he says with a touch of regret. “I was going to fuck you.” My eyes light up and he laughs, seemingly dumbfounded by my reaction. “I’m not sure I can, baby. The moment shifted and I feel bad fucking you after I just told you I love you.” Okay . . . well, that was sweet of him to say, but right now I need him to get over it and claim me.

“And I love you for that. But in my eyes, we’ve been making love every night, and right now I want you to—” My words drift off because I’m not a fan of the word, but it seems to be the only word that will fit. Levi laughs because he understands my hesitation.

“Fuck. You want me to fuck you.” I smile and nod, and I’m sure I look like a darn bobble head, but I don’t care. This is my man, and I want him. “Laney—”

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