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“I bet you a hundred bucks you approach every single chick in this room, they’d jump at the chance to go out with you. Ruby isn’t popular. She doesn’t have guys hanging off her every word, but you, my friend, are like a sex magnet. I don’t get it. Clearly she’s a lesbo.”

“She didn’t believe my offer for a date was genuine.” He took another bite.

“You’re not going to give up, are you?”

“Hell, no.”

Mike laughed. “So, what’s the game? You want to fuck this chick or something?”

“You know it’s not about that.”

“You got to be prepared to deal with the consequences. A guy like you, messing with a chick like her, it’s going to bite you in the ass.”

Theo felt the anger simmer beneath the surface. “A girl like what?” he asked.

“You know, fat.”

The blood pounded in Theo’s temples. It pissed him off to think of anyone calling Ruby fat. She was a beautiful, sexy woman. One he wanted more than anything.


“I’ve just had the weirdest experience of all high school,” Ruby said, entering the kitchen back at home.

It was just her and her mother and had been for nearly eight years now, when her father up and left saying he couldn’t handle this life anymore. Last they had heard he was pursuing some kind of Wall Street job. He sent money every single month to deal with the rent and expenses. As far as Ruby could tell, her mother was no longer heartbroken over it, but she also never dated either.

“You were forced to eat chocolate as the best kind of adult experience of your life?” Callie asked.

“I wish.” She dropped her bag on the floor and jumped up on the opposite side of where her mother was working. She worked long hours at the local vet’s and was often on call to help out. Ruby wondered if the main veterinarian, Steven, had a bit of a crush on her mother. He was ten years older, and always flirting. Her mother never noticed of course.

Callie was rolling out dough, cutting large circles and placing some pulled pork mixture on to one half of the dough, sealing it up, crimping the edges, and placing them onto baking sheets.

Glancing over at the calendar, Ruby saw it was the day her mother always filled the freezer. This helped them throughout the month in case something ever came up and they didn’t like ordering takeout. Her mother was an amazing cook. Rolling up her sleeves, Ruby jumped off the counter and washed her hands.

“If it has nothing to do with chocolate, which it totally should, let’s see … you got asked out?”

Ruby dried her hands and nodded. “Yep. I got asked out.”

“Oh, that is so wonderful.” Callie turned to her with a huge smile.

“Yeah, the most popular boy in school asked me out.”


“And, it’s got to be some kind of trick, right?”

“Why does it have to be some kind of trick?”

“Seriously, Mom, when have I ever mentioned Theo West, or even had him turn up on my doorstep?” She shrugged.

“Okay, never.”

“It has to be some kind of trick. There’s no other explanation for it.”

“I really don’t like this negativity from you. It’s the one trait you get from your father, and it’s really not healthy.”

She rolled her eyes. “I’m being serious. Why would a guy like Theo want to be with a girl like me? For one, I hate sports. I’ve never, ever gone to a game.”

“Then go to a game.”

“I can’t go to a game,” she said.

“You know, sweetie, I hate to say this to you, but you’re the one being really difficult here.”

“I’m the one being difficult?”

“Yes. You really shouldn’t worry your head so much.” She chuckled. Her mother dusted off her hands and turned to face her. “First of all, you’re a beautiful woman. I know you don’t see it, but you really are. You turn heads when we go shopping together. You catch men’s eyes. Second, you’re smart. So intelligent, apart from when you’re being stubborn, and then you lose all of that intelligence down the toilet.”


“Third, you’re a nice person. You’re not mean to anyone, and for me, you have been the perfect daughter. One I’m so proud of. I can see why every single man would love to be with you. You’ve just got to learn to see it yourself.” Her mother cupped her face and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

“What if it’s a joke?” Ruby said.

“Then we’ll figure it out. You know my stance on trusting you.”

“How can you be so trusting after what Dad did?”

Callie sighed. “Your father was never the settling down type. You know this. We had you by accident.”

She knew her parents were due to go off to college when her mother got pregnant. Her father went to college, and, so his parents would help support them, her mother stayed at home. If Callie hadn’t gotten pregnant, Ruby had no doubt she’d be a veterinarian right now rather than Steven.

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