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Shimmering Chaos (Enchanted Chaos 2)

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Wait. Can he use his powers on us right now? No one ever explained if we could use them at school or not.

“Go ahead. And while you’re at it, go ahead and use your powers on me,” Foster says calmly, but edginess currents off him and, in the distance, thunder crashes. “Like I’m afraid. Your powers are weak as hell.”

“Wanna find out?” The fire guy raises his hands in front of him, the flames on his fingers erupting and causing smoke to funnel through the room.

“Brody, dude, what’re you doing?” One of the guys who was sitting with him jumps to his feet and places his hand on Brody’s shoulder. “You’re already on probation for the last time you used your powers without permission. If you do anything else, you’re going to get kicked out.”

Brody’s blazing gaze remains seared to Foster. “So what? This asshole deserves to get his ass fried for what he did to Sofie.”

Who the heck is Sofie?

“I didn’t do anything to Sofie but turn her down,” Foster states in a glacial tone I’ve heard him use many times. Well, up until he found out what I am. “And she—and you, apparently—need to get over it.”

“You led her on then broke her heart,” Brody bites out, the flames spreading furiously up his arms. “She hasn’t been the same since.”

“I never led your sister on.” Foster’s fingers twitch in mine as smoke pours thickly around the room. If it keeps up, it’s going to become hard to breathe. “If she told you that, she lied.”

Knowing what I know about Foster, I doubt he’s lying. That doesn’t mean he wasn’t a jerk to this Sofie when he rejected her—that’s coming from my own experience. Still, that doesn’t give Brody the right to set him on fire or whatever he’s about to try to do to Foster.

“Sofie doesn’t lie,” Brody growls, stalking toward Foster. “I should fry your ass right now. Scar your body with burns like you scarred Sofie’s heart …” He pauses, the flames extinguishing when he notices mine and Foster’s intertwined fingers. “And who is this lovely, little thing?” His lips curl into a twisted grin as his gaze zeroes in on me.

I fuse my lips together and shrug.

“Oh, I’m going to get an answer out of you.” He grins, his golden eyes shadowing like smoke over a flame. “And I’m going to enjoy it while I do it.”

As heat flares through my veins, Foster jerks his hand from mine and strides toward Brody.

“If you so much as touch her, I’ll make your life a living hell.” The coldness in his tone glazes the air. “And so will my brothers.”

Brody’s Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows, but then he recovers rapidly and plasters on a grin. “Go ahead. You don’t scare me, and neither do your stupid brothers.” Brody gets in Foster’s face, lowering his tone. “Your family may have this entire school wrapped around their fingers, but you don’t have me fooled. And one day, I’m going to make you pay for breaking Sofie’s heart and show you how she felt when you did it.”

They stare each other down, heat and frost lingering in the air and making my brain dizzy. Who knows what would’ve happened if a woman with chin-length, black hair hadn’t walked in?

“Gentlemen, is there a problem?” she asks, glancing at Foster and Brody.

“No ma’am,” Foster tells her while Brody says, “Nope. We were just talking.”

Sighing, the woman walks over to the desk and drops the stack of papers she was carrying.

When her back is to them, Brody hisses, “This isn’t over, Everettson. I’m going to make you burn and enjoy every moment of it.”

“And I’ll fucking drown your insides if you so much as come near Sky,” Foster warns lowly.

Yep, Sky, you’re definitely not in human territory anymore.

Chapter 6

So … things aren’t going as well as everyone seemed to believe it would.

Foster and I are sitting in front of the secretary’s desk, listening to her explain why I’m not allowed to take any elemental protector classes, even the basic ones. That, because I’m a senior and just barely learned I have powers, there’s no way I’ll ever be able to catch up in any of the element-related classes, and I need to just take all human classes and finish up the year.

“She needs to take some elemental classes,” Foster insists, restlessly tapping his foot on the floor. “She needs to learn about our world and how to control her powers.”

“Foster, I understand this is frustrating, but you need to think of the bigger picture.” The secretary—Anna as she told me to call her—leans forward and overlaps her fingers on her desk. “It’s the last semester before graduation and, with her limited knowledge of our world, there’s no way she’ll be able to pass any element-related classes.”

“My mom already talked to the headmistress,” he continues to argue. “And she agreed Sky could take a couple of basic elemental classes.”

“I understand that, but the headmistress didn’t fully understand Sky’s limited knowledge of our world when she agreed to that.” She turns the computer screen toward us. “I just emailed her the information you gave me on Sky, and this is what the headmistress replied with. You can, of course, request a meeting with her to discuss it further, but unfortunately, she had to leave this morning to attend an emergency meeting in Elemental.”

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