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Heartless Hero (Crowne Point 1)

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All too aware of his body pressed into mine, I tried to control my face, not let on how unnerved I was. Protect me? More like destroy me.

I gave myself away with a hard swallow, and Theo stepped back, a cruel smirk on his lips. His eyes landed on my open laptop, on the pictures wallpapering the back, and slowly Theo withdrew his hands, a grin spreading. He snatched the laptop, holding it high so I couldn’t get it. Maybe I should’ve worried more about what was on my laptop, but as long as he didn’t see my college applications, I didn’t care.

The pictures were of the one day Gemma and I hadn’t been at each other’s throats. She’d just turned twenty-one, I was nineteen. She’d allowed me into her bedroom for once, and we’d gotten drunk and taken naughty photos.

She had the matching set, the ones of me.

That was how Crowne sisters bonded—blackmail.

He arched a brow. “Naughty.”

“Nothing you haven’t seen before,” I said under my breath.

His stare dug into me like he wanted to press. Press what? The reason you obliterated my heart?

Then he slammed the laptop shut and shoved it under his arm. “Get dressed.”

“So you can make Mom hate me even more? No, thanks. I’ll stay here.” Today was one of my most favorite days, but if Theo wanted me dressed, instinct said I should do the opposite.

A cruel smile. “Scared?”

“No. I’m just not in the habit of listening to my bodyguards.”

“Get dressed, or I’ll dress you.”

A ripple of excitement raced up my spine, one I quickly disregarded as shock. “You wouldn’t dare.”

“Want to test me, Reject?”

Before I could respond, he grabbed my elbow, dragging me to my walk-in. He tore open the frosted French doors, throwing me inside like I was a rag doll.

“Get. Dressed.”

“Get. Out,” I responded in the same tone.

His eyes raked over me, and I folded my arms, as if I could shield myself from the piercing stare.

He laughed. “Nothing half the world hasn’t seen already.”

He spoke to me like I had to him just moments before, but a stab of hurt sliced through me.

Everyone had seen me, because I’d been betrayed the same way Theo had betrayed me. Getting out of a car to paparazzi who’d been tipped off, after being persuaded to go commando by people I thought were friends. Kissing an actor on a yacht who thought it would be hilarious to kiss the famous train wreck and let the world see.

As if he knew I was hurting, he said, “I’m disappointed. I thought it would take more than one night to break you.”

The only thing not completely stone on his hard features was the slight mocking lilt to his soft-as-sin lips.

Without another thought, I tore off my satin nightie and threw it at his head. The fuck you was apparent.

For a split second, shock registered over his features. Then heat blazed, peppering goose bumps along my skin like tight-fitting lace.

I was utterly naked in front of Theo for the first time in my life, and all he did was stare. We’d shared dirty promises, but we’d never fulfilled them. A cool ocean breeze whispered across my nipples, and I fought the urge to cover myself.

I wouldn’t lose.

All at once he slammed the French doors shut so hard they rattled.

I stayed there in the center of my walk-in closet, the plush carpet cushioning my feet as I fisted my hands.

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