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Destroyed Destiny (Crowne Point 4)

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“My husband made a lot of promises to a lot of different girls. They sound so sweet at first. The sweetest things usually sour the fastest, don’t they?” She pushed off the wall, wobbling a little. “You’ll never tear them apar

t. They’re meant to be. Their story was written before they were even born. And you? You will be like all my husband’s mistresses. Dead or forgotten.”

I stood up, taking a couple steps away from her.

“He even gave them rings,” she continued. “He should have made them in bulk…saved some money.”

“You don’t scare me, Lynette.” Yet, I kept taking steps backward, and when her eyes landed on my rounded stomach, I picked up the pace until my back hit the doors.

She tilted her head. “I’m not trying to frighten you. I’m trying to make you understand. Your child is irrelevant.”

I spun from her, slamming open the doors.

“Don’t believe me?” Her laugh bounced off the doors. “Where is he, Story? He’s with her. He’ll always be with her.”

She was lying.

She was lying.

Do you trust me?

It went both ways. I had to trust him. He wouldn’t stay with her after this. No one would expect him to…right? Yet tears still burned my lids at her words.

I swiped at them, swiped at the snot at my nose, until the iron waves blurred.

The air was brackish and bitter, the waves wild and high. The sun had set, but tumorous clouds blocked the stars and the air smelled of rain.

My back ached; it was harder to sit now that I was so pregnant. I couldn’t just fall to the sand. So I walked down the beach, until I found the trees Grayson had dragged me to the night he’d gambled me, and leaned against a trunk.

I was so afraid.

I needed Grayson.

I know if I messaged him, he’d come running. Right now, he needed to deal with the fallout of Lottie. So I did what I hoped was the right thing—the unselfish thing—and I sent my fears secretly.

Dear Atlas,

I think I’m forgetting how to hope—really hope.

The blind, certain hope that’s like sun in my scared heart.

But dead flowers remember how to bloom every spring.

Do you think hope is like that?

Atlas, I’m scared.

I need you—

“Story.” West grabbed me, spinning me into his gaze. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”

“W—” I broke off, looking around at the empty beach. “Why aren’t you with Grayson?”

“You disappeared.” He dragged his knuckles down my cheek and I shook him off.

“This entire time you knew Lottie wasn’t pregnant with Grayson’s child. You tricked me.” I shook my head. “I’m an idiot for believing a single word from your lips.”

“I’m just as blindsided by this as you!”

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