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The Sabbides Secret Baby

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‘I’m not a fool,’ she tossed back. ‘It is impossible. You cannot get married that fast. You need documents—birth certificates.’

His hand moved from her chest to curve around her neck. ‘All taken care of. Sid gave me your passports, and when I left earlier it was to meet with the Mayor—a friend of my father’s—He granted us a special dispensation, owing to my father’s precarious state of health, for a civil marriage service to take place tomorrow by his bedside.’

‘You stole my passport.’ She had handed them to Sid when they had come through passport control at the airport and forgotten to ask for them back.

‘No—borrowed it.’ He tipped back her head and looked at her mouth, and then down her long, elegant throat to where the creamy curve of her breasts was exposed by the dipping neckline of her dress, and then back to her face. ‘We had some good times the year we were together. We could again. Would it be so hard to be married to me, Phoebe?’ he asked, bringing his mouth down on hers as she opened her mouth to answer.

He expertly took advantage of her parted lips to ease his tongue between them and sensually explore the moist interior of her mouth. She told herself it wasn’t what she wanted, but he kissed her with an ever deepening passion that proved her a liar as, boneless, she leant against him and kissed him back.

When he finally released her he was breathing hard. It gave her some comfort to know he was equally affected by the passion they shared—until he spoke.

‘You know marriage makes sense. Ben will be happy, my father will be happy, and we have this intense physical connection. What could be better?’ he prompted, a glint of satisfaction in his sensual smile.

‘What about love?’ she had to ask.

‘Love is simply another word for lust. Try to think logically, Phoebe. A man will live contentedly in a marriage if the sex is good. No sex, but just the emotion you call love, and he will not be content for long and will look for sex elsewhere.’

Phoebe stiffened, squaring her shoulders. ‘That is the most cynical statement I have ever heard.’ She looked at him with angry eyes. The condescending swine, with his try to be logical, and his callous dismissal of love. The whole focus of his life was power and money. This way he got a child to leave it to and to carry on his flaming name, with a bit of recreational sex with a convenient wife thrown in.

She wanted to smack the self-satisfied smile off his handsome face but she thought of Ben and hesitated. Then there was the chance she might be pregnant. It was not very likely, but the way her luck was running lately it was a possibility. Two illegitimate children was too many. Glancing up through the thick fringe of her lashes, she could not deny Jed was a wickedly attractive and virile man, lounging back with his hands resting lightly on his thighs. Once she had loved him with all her heart, but not any more. Well, to hell with him—she would play him at his own game.

‘Yes, I will marry you,’ she agreed.

But little did he know sex was out…Let the arrogant devil try living without and see how long he lasted before she could divorce him for adultery…

‘Thank you.’ He dropped a patronising kiss on the top of her head. ‘I knew you would see sense.’

‘You are right as usual,’ she said, and the sarcasm in her tone was lost on him.

‘I’m glad we finally agree,’ he said, and stood up. He turned to pick his jacket up, then shrugged it on. ‘I have to go to the hospital so Cora can get home.’ He glanced back down at her. ‘I will tell her and my father the good news. She was coming here in the morning with her family anyway, so she can help you find something to wear.’ He flicked a finger under her chin ‘Relax—don’t worry. Everything will be fine.’ And he left.

Phoebe stood still as a statue at Jed’s side, by his father’s hospital bed. The old man was propped up on pillows, his face flushed and his eyes glittering—whether it was a good sign or not, she didn’t know. She glanced around. The whole set-up was surreal. Heart monitors bleeping away, an official on the other side o

f the bed talking. She had not a clue what he was saying.

Mercifully, the civil ceremony was brief. Cora and her husband Theo were the witnesses—and surprisingly Dr Marcus. She watched numbly as Jed signed the necessary documents, and took the pen from his long fingers and signed where he indicated. It was all over with a complete lack of ceremony or emotion. Except for the moment when Jed took her in his arms and kissed her. Then the numbness cleared and she looked dazedly up at him, her heart pounding, until the pop of a champagne cork restored her senses.

Glasses were filled and handed around; a toast was made to the bride and groom. Cora helped her father to one sip, and then the consultant ordered them all out.

Phoebe glanced up at the man who was now her husband as he cupped her elbow in his palm and ushered her out into the corridor. He looked as cool and controlled as ever, dressed in a perfectly tailored grey suit, and looking as if he had concluded yet another successful business deal.

A reception room in the private hospital had been set aside for the wedding party, and she blinked as Jed led her in and twenty or more people gathered around. Jed introduced her, but she was too numb with nerves to take in their names because her confidence in her ability to hold to the line of the no-sex marriage she had envisaged had faded somewhat with her temper…and Jed’s kiss.

Champagne corks popped, speeches were made, toasts drunk, and Jed finally left her side to speak to some people. She was glad to be alone for a moment.

But not for long. Dr Marcus cornered her, a champagne glass in his hand, looking slightly tipsy.

‘Phoebe, dear!’ he exclaimed. ‘You look wonderful. I was so pleased to hear of your miracle child, and now this.’ He flung his arm wildly to encompass the room. ‘It has been a long time coming, but Jed has finally persuaded you to marry him and I am delighted for you both. I remember the awful night you were taken to hospital. Jed and I had had dinner together earlier. He buries his emotions deep but I could tell he was thrilled about the baby, and he told me he was going to marry you. He dropped me off first, and of course when he got home tragedy struck.’ He took a sip champagne and Phoebe went pale at his revelations. Marcus had no reason to lie.

‘Jed was devastated when he got to the hospital and heard the news, poor man—and for a long time afterwards. It didn’t help that the same weekend his father had his first massive heat attack—the day after his birthday. He was in this same hospital, in Intensive Care as he is now, with Jed at his side for forty-eight hours. Jed thought he had lost you when he finally got back to London, but fate moves in mysterious ways. He has found you again and married you at last. It was always meant to be. Fate cannot be denied for long,’ he declared expansively, ‘and I know you will both be incredibly happy.’

One shock followed another: from hearing Jed had been going to marry her to realising Jed had not deliberately deserted her. Before she could formulate a response for the smiling Marcus, Jed appeared and put an arm around her waist.

‘What are you saying to my wife, Marcus?’ he demanded of his friend.

‘Congratulating her, of course.’

‘Are you all right?’ Jed murmured as Marcus was hailed by someone and wandered away. ‘I saw you go very pale. Did Marcus say something to offend you?’

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