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Getting Off

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Caitlin’s voice dripped with sarcasm. ‘No, I really don’t. I’m sure it’s bound to be a serious letdown anyway, like hearing about some movie for months before it comes out.’

She was avoiding his eyes now, looking seriously shifty. She slid off the stool and came close enough to Liam’s body to make his dick twitch forcibly.

‘Look, it’s late and I’m tired. I’m going to head home.’

He tried to resist. He really did. Rationally he knew that he should not pursue this. But he also knew that every time he saw Caitlin look at a guy in this bar, he would be imagining her with him, coming. Bucking against him uncontrollably while her tight sheath spasmed around him in orgasmic pleasure.

A visceral rejection of that image made him back her into the bar now, and something in him relished the way her eyes had to meet his. Even if they were flashing sparks. He pressed his body against hers and almost groaned to feel his hardness against her softer curves. He caged her in with two hands either side of her body.

‘What are you doing, Liam.’ It wasn’t a question.

Liam untangled the heat knot in his head long enough to say, ‘I owe you, pure and simple.’

Caitlin frowned, those auburn brows drawing together. ‘You owe me?’

He could feel her chest moving against his, those berry-tight nipples touching him through the thin material of their clothes.

He nodded. ‘One amazing orgasm deserves another.’ He cocked his head. ‘And actually, it’s two amazing orgasms now. The total is rising.’

He pressed his hips against her to demonstrate what else was rising. She flushed and bit her lip. Her voice sounded breathless. ‘You don’t owe me anything. Really.’

So why was there a look in her eyes that contradicted her words? A hungry look. Liam fought for control. Even though all he wanted was to lift her onto the bar behind her and rip off that vest so he could suck her nipples. He narrowed his gaze on her face. Eyes up, Sullivan. He had to put some limits on this.

‘I have a suggestion.’

Caitlin looked at him and his cock throbbed. It actually throbbed. He gritted his jaw. ‘We spend the weekend together. One weekend. Let’s get this...whatever it is...out of our systems and then we can go back to normal.’

* * *

I felt so conflicted. I hated that I’d confided in Liam because now he obviously saw my orgasm deficiency as some sort of challenge to his masculinity. But for some reason I couldn’t seem to drum up the necessary feeling of chagrin to flounce out of here, disgusted.

He was pressing me into the bar, and it was hard to think when all I could feel was that taut hard body and the insistent press of his erection. And then a small voice whispered, If he wants to get you off so badly...why not let him? What have you got to lose?

I forced myself to be clear and not sound as if I was giving this half a second’s consideration. ‘What about my job?’

Liam looked at me. A muscle pulsed in his jaw. ‘We’ve already gone way over the line here. I’m taking full responsibility for my actions. Your job won’t be affected.’

I struggled not to give in so easily even though the pull to just melt into Liam was getting harder to resist. ‘But what about afterward, how can we—’

He put a finger to my mouth. ‘I’m not looking for anything heavy, Caitlin. My life...isn’t about that right now. This is just about I won’t have a problem with you working here. It’ll be your choice.’

Because all it’ll be to him will be sex. Once he gets the itch scratched he’ll move on. And wasn’t that all I was looking for, too? Some fun? The last thing I needed right now was to embark on a serious relationship, or develop feelings for someone who was clearly welded to his single life.

My voice sounded squeaky to my ears. ‘Are you talking about this weekend?’

Liam nodded. ‘You’re not due to work anyway, and Toby can get a buddy to help him for the cash. I’ll sort it. I have stocktaking to do, but I’ll work tonight to get it done.’

I gulped. Liam was dead serious about this. He came even closer and I wanted to scowl at his blatant diversionary tactics, but then I thought of the blow job...and getting the chance to taste him again.

‘So what’s it to be, Ryan? Are you in or are you out?’

My conscience glared at me, hello? A whole weekend with the hottest man on the planet?

As if I even needed that prompt. I looked up at Liam and moistened my lips with my tongue. His hips jerked against me, heat exploded in my pelvis.

Excitement and adrenaline flared. This was dark, decadent adventure with a side of freedom and a fun cherry on top.

‘I’m in, Sullivan.’

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