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Getting Off

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There was nothing but pure pleasure and sensation, every ounce of me pulsating and throbbing. I had nothing to cling to, it was the most terrifying yet exhilarating thing I’d ever felt. I heard a voice, Oh God, oh God...oh...God.

It was only when the sensations slowly diminished and faded that I became aware that it was me saying oh God over and over again. And aware of my sex clenching rhythmically around Liam’s cock, deep inside me as his heavy weight pushed me into the mattress.

I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t move...but I was aware of the euphoria rushing through my system and couldn’t help a grin from spreading across my face.

Chapter Nine

When I resurfaced, I wasn’t sure how much time had passed. But I was lying on the futon with a cover over me, and when I opened my eyes, Liam was besi

de me with his head on his hand, watching me.

Immediately I felt a rush of gratitude that was almost embarrassing. Then I felt hot and self-conscious, which was ridiculous because this man had literally just seen me at my most vulnerable. Nevertheless, there was a sensation of deep peace and contentment inside me.

I was feeling dangerously mushy until Liam smirked. ‘That was no fake orgasm.’

He was full of puffed-up male pride. The triumph of having made me come for the first time too much to hide.

I scowled and folded my arms over the sheet, feeling prickly and defensive. ‘I suppose you expect me to fall at your feet with undying gratitude.’

Liam’s mouth twitched. ‘Well, a thank-you would suffice.’

‘Thank you,’ I said grumpily, not liking that I’d felt so sappy for a moment.

Then I arched my brow. ‘Just because you did it once...doesn’t mean anything. It could have been pure fluke.’

Even though, obviously, I really hoped it wasn’t because that had been the most mind-blowing experience of my life and I still couldn’t really compute that it had actually happened. Maybe the prospect of finding my G spot wasn’t so fantastical.

Now Liam scowled, eyes spitting blue sparks. ‘Fluke, my ass.’

He took both my hands in one of his easily and put them over my head, holding them there, instantly making my insides turn to mush all over again. He yanked down the sheet, exposing me, and when his head descended and his mouth closed around my nipple I gasped. When he spread my legs roughly with his hands and lodged his big body between them, I ceased to think rationally. Again.

* * *

It wasn’t a fluke. It was late afternoon outside by now and I was lying face down on the bed. I couldn’t move a muscle. My whole body ached with an overload of pleasure...well awoken from its orgasm-free state.

I heard movement. And just like that, my body started to tingle even though I couldn’t do much about it.



I heard a deep chuckle. Damn the man. I could sense a million buzzing questions and feelings hovering on the periphery of my consciousness, but weakly I pushed them away and turned my head towards his voice but kept my eyes closed.

The futon dipped and a finger trailed down my spine to my ass, where it became a hand that squeezed my flesh, firmly. Just like that, my lower body slowly went on fire all over again. As if it hadn’t had enough yet.

His voice was low, husky. Slightly raw, and it reminded me of how he’d shouted out his own release a short while before. ‘I don’t know about you but I’m starving.’

With enormous effort I opened my eyes and turned my body over so that I was on my back. The sheet was twisted around me and I pulled it up, feeling ridiculously shy all of a sudden. With perfect timing my belly rumbled. I cracked a smile. ‘Me, too.’

His blue eyes dropped to my mouth and it tingled under his look. The effect of just his eyes on me was overwhelming. For the first time I felt a frisson of something like fear to acknowledge how fast I was hurtling into dangerous waters with this guy.

Pushing the concern down deep, I half sat up. ‘We could get takeout?’

Some enigmatic expression crossed Liam’s face and then it was gone and he said easily, ‘Let’s go out, get some air.’

Again that uneasy frisson. Until I realized what a good idea it was. Everything suddenly felt too...intense. The apartment was claustrophobic.

He stood up and held out a hand, a familiar sexy look coming into his eyes. ‘But first, let’s shower.’

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