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Getting Off

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Dark blond hair, curling, messy. Slightly overlong. Tanned skin. Gorgeous face but with an edge of ruggedness that cancelled out any prettiness. Even if he did have cheekbones that would make a woman weep with envy. A wide mouth, firm lips. His jaw was stubbled with a day’s growth.

But it was his eyes that dominated his face. Daniel Craig blue eyes. Piercing. Mesmeric. And looking right at me.

He quirked a brow, a small smile playing around that mouth. ‘You’re not from here, are you?’

I shook my head, still feeling as if someone had just hit me with a bat. How on earth had I not even noticed him? I could see that he was broad and powerful, even though he was sitting down. Faded T-shirt. I wanted to look down but didn’t. I was already imagining soft worn jeans highlighting powerful thigh muscles.

I found my voice. ‘No. I’m from Ireland. Dublin.’

‘I thought I recognized the accent. My family came from Waterford originally.’

‘You’re Irish?’ He didn’t look like any Irish guy I’d ever seen in my entire life. Ever. They must have infused the blood along the way, introducing a hefty dose of gorgeous Italian...or maybe Spanish. Maybe he was descended from the Vikings who had pillaged Ireland...I was losing the plot.

He grimaced. ‘Well. A few generations removed.’

No shit. More like eons.

He leaned back slightly, angled his body more toward me and something went properly on fire in my pants when I saw how broad his chest was. I imagined my clitoris vibrating gently in appreciation. His blue gaze dropped and then came back up. My nipples hardened into two stinging points just like that. Jesus wept. I was going to melt all over this stool.

‘So...what’s your name?’


He held out a hand. ‘Liam. Pleased to meet you, Caitlin.’

His voice saying my name curled right through me. I was almost afraid to touch him, but I put my hand in his and it was dwarfed. A hum of electricity seemed to shoot right to my clitoris, which was definitely vibrating now.

‘Nice to meet you, too, Liam.’

With a ridiculous sense of reluctance I took my hand back.

His voice seemed to get even deeper. ‘So what are you doing here? Holiday?’

Looking for you! I almost blurted out, because the realization was shocking and swift. This was my Faceless Dream Lover. In all his hard-packed muscled glory.

Chapter Two

As much as Liam wanted the distraction of sexual oblivion, he hadn’t actually come into this bar to pick up the first girl who sat down beside him. But then she’d walked in. Caitlin. Bringing with her an intoxicating scent of roses and musk.

The minute he’d looked at her, taking in the petite lithe body on the stool beside his, his brains had migrated southward so fast his head had spun.

Her small pale hands were on her bottle of beer, pulling at the label. He jerked his head toward it and tried to ignore the increasing pressure in his crotch against the unforgiving denim of his jeans. ‘You know they say that’s a sign of sexual frustration?’

Wide almond-shaped eyes of the deepest velvet brown went to his and she blushed. Blushed! He couldn’t remember the last time a girl had blushed in front of him.

But she recovered quickly. ‘Yeah, and people who say things like that have one-track minds.’

Her voice was husky. It had a direct effect on Liam’s body. He could feel the blood pumping to his cock in earnest now, making it harden and swell even more. He had to shift slightly to ease the discomfort, slightly perturbed by the strength of his reaction.

She pushed back some hair behind her ear, which was small and feminine. Her hair was long, below shoulder length, and wavy. A deep auburn colour. Her skin was creamy, flawless. Her mouth...was soft and full. Very kissable.

She glanced at him and his dick jerked. Damn.

‘I’m here for a while...not sure how long.’

Liam forced his mind out of his pants with an effort. ‘So you’re just...hanging out?’

She glanced away again and lifted one slim shoulder, ‘I guess. I’m looking for a job...’

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