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Getting Off

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I watched as he ripped off the foil covering of a condom and rolled it over his erection with trembling hands. He put an arm around me to pull me to the edge of the desk, spreading my legs wide, and then he held his cock in his fist and fed himself into me. I closed my eyes tight, almost unable to take the unbearable pleasure of him filling me so completely. And then he started to thrust and I couldn’t keep the moans of exquisite pleasure back.

I wrapped my legs around him, and he slid deeper.

He grabbed my hair and tugged it gently to make me face him, and I opened my eyes. And then he kissed me, tongue thrusting deep, mimicking his steel length inside me. He thrust so deep that I could feel ripples of pleasure starting to vibrate out all over my body.

His hand found the delicate lace cup of my bra and yanked it down so that my breast popped free. He palmed my breast, fingers pinching my nipple. And then his mouth moved down, taking the hard stiff flesh into his mouth and sucking it roughly.

I bit his shoulder to try to contain the desperation I felt as he drove us both higher and higher. And then everything inside me stiffened, taut, held on the threshold of extreme pleasure, before it crashed into me with the force of a freight train.

I could feel my inner muscles clenching tight around Liam’s cock as he thrust deeper and deeper, and just as my ripples of pleasure were starting to fade, he went stiff, too...every sinew and tendon on his powerful body standing out, pulsating.

When our breathing started to slow, finally, Liam drew back. He smoothed some damp hair off my hot cheek and the gesture made me ache. He was still inside me, deeply embedded.

I thought of how he’d had the protection so easily to hand. My belly lurched and I said rawly, ‘You were prepared.’

He withdrew and even now I could feel my body clenching as if to draw him back in. He dealt with the protection efficiently.

He looked at me and muttered darkly, ‘I’ve been carrying around condoms for the last week because I didn’t know if I’d have the strength not to grab you and take you up against the nearest wall.’

My chest got ominously tight. ‘Oh.’

But before I could analyze that or how it made me feel, Liam had yanked on his jeans and picked up the detritus of our clothes and scooped me up into his arms as if I weighed nothing. I squeaked.

‘Let’s take this upstairs.’

I put my arms around his neck and let him carry me all the way up two flights of stairs to his apartment, which I hadn’t seen yet.

He put me down inside the door and I grabbed my jeans and T-shirt, scrambling into them. Feelin

g far too exposed.

The apartment was loft style, massive. Exposed brick and soaring ceilings with choice furniture that looked comfortable and lived in. An industrial-style kitchen took up the length of one wall. And a massive bed was in the corner of the room near a huge window. I was still jittery after the explosion downstairs.

‘It’s lovely,’ I said, trying not to look too intently at the bed.

‘I gutted the place and did it up after my dad moved to Queens. I wanted to get rid of any reminder of the bitter arguments and pain before my parents split up. It used to really affect my sister, Ashling. She’d go into her room and cry. All I could do was hold her.’

My heart clenched and, acting on instinct, I moved forward and slipped my hand into Liam’s. He looked down at me and tightened his fingers around mine.

He drew me into the room and guided me to sit down on a slouchy couch. He sat down, too, but it was on a chair nearby. He came forward, hands clasped between his legs. Hair tousled. He looked like someone who’d just fucked someone hard. Me. I felt an overwhelmingly proprietorial urge right then, for him never to look like that unless it was with me.

I also felt empowered. Even though what lay ahead was undoubtedly an excruciating conversation, where Liam tried to make me see that what had just happened meant nothing and that it might be best if I didn’t work there anymore.

All I could see were those intense blue eyes. I knew that no matter what happened, this man had given me a gift. He’d returned something I’d locked away a long time ago. And even if he broke my heart a little, I’d survive and move on. A little bruised maybe, but richer all the same. And I wanted to be honest with him.

I tipped up my chin. ‘That weekend...I wasn’t entirely truthful with you.’

Liam just said, ‘You weren’t?’

I shook my head. ‘The fact is, I wanted much more than that weekend. And the other fact is that I did go and fall for the first person I slept with in New York.’ I anticipated the hurt to come and added for good measure to let him know I didn’t welcome it, ‘You bastard.’

A slow sexy smile made Liam’s face light up. ‘Now, that’s not a very ladylike way of putting it.’

I tossed my head, my heart hammering as I said bravely, ‘I don’t really fucking care.’

Liam’s smile got wider. He got up and came over to sit down beside me on the couch. My eyes were glued to his. He was close enough to touch. I could smell the scent of sex on our bodies and my insides liquefied. I had to clench my hands into fists to stop from reaching out.

‘Well, if it’s all the same to you, I do fucking care and I was also less than honest that morning.’

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