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Getting Off

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He opened the door and we stepped out into the warm balmy Manhattan evening. The sky was a stunning dusky violet colour, completely clear. He was still holding my hand. He was even more gorgeous now, shadows making his face look all lean and stark. Dangerous. But in a sexy way. Not in a psychopathic way, I hoped, in spite of his joking.

His thumb swept across the pulse point at my wrist, and my legs wobbled. Right then I was prepared to take the risk.

The air seemed to sizzle between us, like a live current. He came close and let my hand go to lift his and slide it around the back of my neck. Every nerve point in my body sat up and vibrated gently, none more so than in my pants.


The deep voice made my insides clench. I was fixated on his mouth.


He cursed then, but I barely heard it before his head dipped and his mouth settled over mine. I had to clutch onto his T-shirt to stay standing. It was the kiss of my dreams. Forceful yet gentle. My mouth opened under his, eager to taste him, and his tongue touched mine in a teasing caress before his teeth nipped at my lower lip.

I fisted my hands in his T-shirt, the backs of my fingers grazing that hard wall of steel, and I went up on tiptoe. Angling my head, the kiss suddenly became deeper and I stroked my tongue along his. His hand clasped my head tighter, holding me captive.

I was drowning in sensations, eddying and swirling through my lower body. I wasn’t even aware of pushing my breasts against him, seeking to ease the stinging of my nipples.

After a long drugging moment when the entire world could have gone up in flames and combusted around me, Liam pulled back. I opened my eyes and felt dizzy. My lips were swollen, tingling. Those stunning blue eyes looked at me and he uttered, ‘Holy crap.’

Chapter Three

My thoughts exactly...if I could articulate a word. Suddenly he was pulling me by the hand toward a motorbike parked nearby. My insides turned to mush. Any vague resistance I might have put up died a death. He drove a freaking motorbike?

He let me go to reach for helmets and handed me one, an intent look on his face that was seriously sexy. I took my bag from him, too, which I had totally forgotten about and hung it diagonally across my body.

Once our helmets were on, he swung his leg over the bike and a fresh spasm of lust made me feel weak.

He held out an arm and I clasped it to steady myself as I swung my leg over the bike, too. His muscles bunched under my fingers. And then I was behind him, sliding down until his hard butt was right between my thighs, my throbbing clitoris practically singing for joy. The prospect of a first-time multiple orgasm was not that fantastical.

He turned his head and said, ‘Hang on.’

I needed no encouragement. I wound my arms around his torso, clasping my hands just over the waistband of his jeans. I felt his washboard abs contract as he turned the bike on and pushed down to make it roar. The friction against my jeans and between my legs was delicious torture.

We were about to move off and then he stopped and turned his head again. I heard him huff out a small laugh. ‘Your address?’

I called it out to him, relieved that he sounded as thrown as me by this. And then we were off, roaring down the quiet streets, block after block.

We weren’t that far from my apartment, so we were parking again just minutes later. I don’t think I could have lasted for much longer on the bike without sexually molesting him. The bulge in his pants had been grazing my fingers provocatively.

I got off first and pulled off the helmet, smoothing my hair. I felt nervous all of a sudden. But then he was getting off the bike and nerves dissolved as I devoured his tall lean form.

Please don’t let him be some rat who’s cheating on his girlfriend, I prayed silently. But to my shame, I wasn’t prepared to jeopardize this night and ask him to confirm he was single. I just trusted that he was a moral guy. Yeah, who takes a stranger home from a bar to shag her brains out. With any luck! I answered my snarky conscience.

He’d stashed the helmets again and was looking at me. It took me a second to act. I rooted around in my bag for the keys and went to the door, opening it.

I led the way upstairs, very conscious of him looking at my bum. I did a quick mental inventory of personal hygiene. I’d showered that afternoon between job hunts. And I’d done a complete body-hair-removal overhaul before leaving Dublin, mindful of being prepared at all times.

I now thanked God for my foresight. Even though, I worried my lower lip as my aunt’s brightly

painted door loomed, I wasn’t an advocate of the completely shaven nether I hoped he wasn’t one of these men who fainted with shock to see that a woman actually grew pubic hair between her legs.

I had been with a guy in college who had literally gone green at the sight. Needless to say, that relationship had fizzled pretty quickly.

I opened the apartment door and the faint familiar smell of incense assailed my nostrils. I walked in and held the door back and waited, holding my breath.

Liam’s eyes met mine as he passed me and the air seemed to crackle with electricity. He smiled, slow and sexy. With a definite hint of wickedness. I sucked in a breath once he was in and closed the door and followed him, turning on lamps.

I realized then what he must be thinking as he looked around, and I said rather redundantly, ‘I did say my aunt was a bit eccentric.’

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