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Seducing the Dragon (Stonefire Dragons 2)

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Bram glanced at the time. If Clan Lochguard’s leader was punctual, Evie had five minutes before the dragonman would arrive.

It was bad enough he’d agreed to Nikki’s request to allow her to show the bloody female around in his stead. Now he ran the risk of Evie and Finn crossing paths, and Bram very much didn’t want that to happen.

Evie probably didn’t know much about Lochguard’s new leader. Finlay Stewart had taken over the Scottish dragon-shifter clan six months ago. Few inside the DDA knew much about him since Lochguard had remained isolated throughout the transition and had postponed any inspections or female sacrifice requests. If Evie had heard the same rumors Bram had heard recently about the new leader having more open-minded views on humans and dragon-human interactions, she might’ve gone to Finn for help instead of Bram.

Yesterday morning, he would’ve sent the female packing while giving her his best wishes. Yet after kissing the female and holding her soft, warm body against his last night, both man and dragon didn’t want Finn anywhere near her. He still didn’t know the lass’s whole truth, but provided she didn’t betray him, he planned to keep her.

His dragon emerged from the back of his mind. Good. Embrace the truth. She is fire, and you like her.

Bram grunted, but before he could converse any more with his inner beast, steps echoed down the stairs and he moved from behind his desk to stand at the bottom. Looking up, his heart skipped a beat.

Evie wore a short jean skirt, brown flat-level boots that went to just below her knees, and a blue sweater the same deep blue of her eyes. The top hugged her figure and dipped low enough to show her small cleavage. Even from here, he could make out the lace shapes of her bra through the material. With the added cold, every male in his clan would be able to see her nipples.

His dragon snarled. Her nipples were not for anyone else to see.

He growled. “You are not going outside dressed like that without me.”

The human arched one dark red eyebrow. “Since I’m auditioning to be your mate and am, in effect, no longer a DDA inspector, I can wear whatever I want. I’m wearing this.”

He ignored the look Nikki was giving him at the news of Evie auditioning to be his mate and moved up the stairs until he was one step below her. Even with the extra step, he was still taller than her. “A

s a former DDA inspector, then you very well know dragon-shifter populations are heavily male. In Stonefire’s case, only about thirty-five percent of our clan is female. Dressing like that will attract nearly every unmated dragonman in Stonefire.”

“The competition might be good for you.”

He resisted a snarl. In normal circumstances, he knew there were a lot of good, single dragonmen in his clan who would make fine mates. Right now, however, they were all enemies.

Gesturing behind him, he said, “You’ll wear one of my big coats and not that tiny thing on your arm. My jacket will also cover up your tempting curves.”

Evie shook her head. “It’s early April, not December. I have a scarf and a jacket. I’ll be warm enough since my legs never really get cold.”

At the mention of her legs, Bram glanced down at the plump, creamy skin on display. He remembered touching that soft skin yesterday right after he’d kissed the human, and he itched to do it again.

With the sight of her skin, combined with her sweet, womanly scent, his cock was coming to life. He was about to reach out and touch her thigh when Evie broke the spell by clearing her throat and saying, “Eyes up here, dragonman.”

Careful to keep his expression guarded, Bram looked up and said, “Your skin and scent are too enticing. Wear the big, heavy jacket or I’ll have you locked away for the day.”

Evie narrowed her eyes. “No. Until you accept me as your mate, you have zero say in what I do. And even then, it’s not guaranteed.”

He leaned until he was an inch from the human’s face. “If you want my help, you should at least try to listen to me. Fighting me at every step of the way is not helping your case.”

“You know what? Fuck you, Bram. You act like you have a claim on me, yet you foist me off on a guard at the first opportunity rather than talk with me. I understand you’re busy, but no one wants to mate a stranger. I won’t ever try to interfere with your work if it’s important, but if you want to fuck me, then you’d better start paying me some attention. Bloody hell, beyond your DDA reputation and your sexy kisses, I know nothing. Do you have family? A former mate? Let alone what plans you have for the clan. Try opening up to me, Bram Moore-Llewellyn, or I’ll chance the dragon hunters and find another clan leader to help me.”

Fire danced in her eyes. Bastard that he was, the fighting had made his cock hard as stone.

Bram grabbed her upper arm, but before he could continue their argument, a Scottish-accented voice interrupted, “If you’re looking for another clan leader, lass, you have one right here and I’ll tell you anything you like for a kiss.”

Turning around, Bram did his best to hide Evie from Finlay Stewart’s gaze. He barked, “You’re early.”

The leader raised one blond eyebrow. “I know I said to act informal as I can’t stand the protocols, but you’re close to crossing the line, Mr. Double-Barreled last name.”

His inner dragon was snarling. Get Evie away. She is ours.

The human half of him, however, realized the enormity of this situation. He was very close to fucking up everything over a female.

As he worked to control his possessiveness, Evie’s voice sounded from behind. “Hello, Scottish dragonman. I would introduce myself, but as you can see, I have more than two hundred pounds of dragon-shifter muscle in the way.”

Finn chuckled and Bram’s dragon snarled louder. He sent calming thoughts to his beast and said, Behave. I will send her to safety.

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