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Seducing the Dragon (Stonefire Dragons 2)

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Evie raised an eyebrow. “Have you discussed it with Bram yet?”

Melanie winked at her. “No, but I figure if you agree, you have more persuasive ways of convincing him.”

Tristan chimed in, “Melanie, I don’t need to think of my clan leader’s sex life.”

Melanie lightly slapped her mate. “Don’t be such a prude.”

Tristan merely shook his head and Evie took control of the conversation again. “Let me discuss it with Bram first.”

“Awesome. Between you and me, he should say yes.”

Evie didn’t like the thought of Melanie convincing Bram of anything.

However, before Evie could warn off the other woman, the front door opened and Bram’s voice carried down the hallway, “Evie? Are you awake?”

Her exhaustion melted at his voice and she rushed into the hall to wrap her arms around him. Snuggling into his chest, she murmured, “You’re home.”

He squeezed her tightly against his body. “I missed you, too, love. How’s Murray?”

“He’s asleep. Mel and Tristan gave me a crash course in how to care for dragon babies.”

“So does that mean you don’t need my help at all?”

Evie looked up and frowned. “Don’t you dare tease about that. If you think I’m going to take care of Murray ninety-nine percent of the time without you, then you’re in for a big surprise.”

Her dragonman chuckled. “If you remember the first day we met, I was doing a fine job taking care of him all by myself.”

She laid her head back on Bram’s chest. “I’m too tired to match wits. How about we thank Mel and Tristan, send them on their way, and take a nap?” Bram’s chest tensed under her cheek. Looking up, she saw his pupils flashing between slit and circles. “What’s wrong with your dragon?”

His pupils remained round as he replied, “Remember the secret my dragon had been keeping from me? Well, you’re my true mate, Evie Marshall, and I’m not sure how much longer my inner beast can control the frenzy.”

She blinked. “True mate? How is that even possible?”

Bram’s eyes flashed more frequently. “Tristan, I know you can hear us. Explain it to Melanie and leave.” He looked down at her, his pupils flashing even more quickly. “Please, Evie. If I can claim you once, I might be able to stave off my beast long enough to explain it all.”

His voice was gravelly, almost as if the man and dragon halves were talking at the same time. Bram sounded like he was in pain.

Whatever exhaustion she had before melted away as adrenaline pumped through her veins. Her mate needed her and Evie wanted to take care of him.

She framed his face with her hands, the feel of his warm skin giving her some energy. “Then take me to your room and fuck me, Bram.”

He growled and raised his voice. “Tristan, show yourself out.” Then Bram took hold of her elbow, and guided her to a room not far from where Murray was sleeping. No doubt, her dragonman could scent their son and didn’t want to be too far away

in case something happened. The thoughtfulness warmed her heart.

As soon as they entered the spare bedroom, she forgot about Murray as Bram tore off her pajama top and bottoms until she was naked. He then pushed her onto her back on the bed, shucked his clothes, and covered her body with his. The feeling of his warm, chiseled body and hard cock pressing against her stomach made her pussy pulse. She was already wet and ready for him.

Bram’s slitted pupils stared at her as his hand caressed between her legs. One brush of his finger against her clit made her cry out. He growled and thrust two fingers inside her. “My mate. I need to fuck you until you carry my young.”

If it weren’t for Bram thrusting his fingers long and slow inside her, she might question that statement. Then he brushed against her clit with his thumb, and she decided not to argue. She opened her legs wide. If there was a child, so be it. She would love him or her. “Then take me. I’m waiting for you.”

With a growl, Bram removed his fingers and thrust his cock into her. While it had only been a few days, his size made her moan and dig her nails into his back. The act triggered something primal and her dragonman squeezed her breast as he moved his hips.

As he increased his pace, he leaned down and took her nipple into his mouth. He bit her hard and Evie cried out at the mix of pleasure and pain. Then he swirled his tongue over the tender bite before sucking her deeply. Moving a hand to his hair, she pressed him against her breast, urging him to do it again. When he bit her a second time, lights danced in front of her eyes before an orgasm exploded inside her.

When Bram released her nipple with a pop, she cried out in protest. The sound then prompted her dragonman to pull out of her completely.

Blinking in confusion, Evie demanded, “Why did you stop?”

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