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Revealing the Dragons (Stonefire Dragons 2.50)

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He opened his mouth but Melanie laid a hand on his leg. Looking over at her, her brows furrowed. “Don’t glare at me, Tristan MacLeod. Scotland is a beautiful place and I would say the same to anyone.” He mumbled an apology and Mel continued, “Arabella’s made her decision. Let her go to Lochguard.” His mate glanced over at Bram. “Provided, of course, Bram says it’s okay.”

Bram shrugged. “Arabella is a grown dragonwoman. I may have mixed feelings about the Scot, but he would never allow harm to come to the lass. Of that, I’m sure. As long as there’s not immediate threat of violence, she can leave in two months’ time. I’ll tell Finn myself after the interview.”

Melanie looked over to Arabella. “Then we have a deal, Ara.”

Feelings Tristan couldn’t decode flashed across his sister’s face. He swore happiness was one of them. Fuck. He didn’t care for that. Yes, he wanted his sister to be happy, but not with another clan. Arabella was his only link to both their parents and the past. If she moved away for good, a part of him would go with her.

His sister straightened a little more. “What do I need to do?”

Mel answered, her voice gentle. “Think of the simplest way to describe what happened to you and your mother. I want to break down the myths of dragon-shifters being beasts without any feelings. Your pain is real, Arabella, and it may convince people to reevaluate what they know about dragon-shifters, maybe even view you as more human.”

Ara crossed her arms over her chest. “Even with me supposedly pouring my heart out, it’s going to take more than that to change decades, hell, centuries, of fearing us.”

Melanie leaned against Tristan’s side. “We thought of that already. Do you have time to upload a three-chapter free sample before the interview? I want to offer a site to download it during the interview. Nothing fancy, just a way to read the most powerful chapters from my book. I think they may change more than a few minds.”

Ara sighed. “Fine, I’ll do it. Just make sure you keep my brother off my back. I don’t want him trying to change my mind about Lochguard in the coming weeks.”

Tristan frowned. “You’re my sister. I just want what’s best for you.”

“I’m nearly thirty years old, Tristan. I can handle myself.”

He opened his mouth, but Mel squeezed his arm and shook her head. He shut his jaw. If his sister wanted to get her heart broken by the flirting bastard, then by all means, he’d let her. Then she might listen to him next time.

Bram broke the silence. “Right, then we have a plan. Since there are less than two hours to put everything in place, let’s meet back here in an hour and a half for a pre-interview meeting. I hope like hell this will work.”

Melanie melted against Tristan and murmured, “So do I, Bram, so do I.”


Melanie stood in front of her closet trying to decide which clothes would complement exploiting her sister-in-law’s past when Tristan wrapped his arms around her from behind. His breath was hot against her ear as he whispered, “You’re tense, love. Let me help you relax before the interview.”

His hand snaked to her breast and squeezed. Melanie ignored her nipple going hard and swatted his hand. “There’s too much to do in the next hour. I don’t have time for a quickie.”

Her mate nuzzled her neck and she leaned against his broad, muscled chest. She never tired of the contrast of her curves against his muscles.

His voice rumbled against her back. “Are you sure? You’re thinking too hard and if you go on like that, you’ll only be at one hundred percent instead of one hundred and twenty percent.”

Taking a few extra seconds to soak in the feeling of being surrounded and fondled by her mate, Mel mustered the strength to push at his hand. Tristan released her and she turned around to cup his face. “I appreciate it, I do, but sex will have to wait, love. I need to coach some of the others right before the interview, which means getting my shit together now.”

Her mate grunted. “I think after you finish sorting the business related to this book, you need a break, my little human.”

She glanced at him. “Maybe a week or two, but I’ll go crazy if I don’t have something to do just for me. You’d feel the same way if you couldn’t teach anymore.”

Moving to the dresser a few feet to her side, Tristan leaned against it. “Maybe. But promise me we’ll have some time together with just you and me. Then maybe I can help alleviate some of your stress.”

Turning toward him, her voice was dry. “What, with your cock?”

When Tristan grinned, she had her answer. “Men. The world’s going to pot and you’re thinking of sex.”

“Hey, you said yourself you missed not having to squeeze it in between naps or feedings. I’m just looking out for you, love.”

“Yes, but of course.” She rolled her eyes. “Once everything is fine and dandy again, we’ll look into it.” Mel turned back toward her closet, plucked out a dark purple blouse, and said over her shoulder, “Did you check in on the news like I asked?”

“Yes. There are some protests breaking out near the DDA offices in London and Manchester, although it’s still quiet in Edinburgh, Cardiff, and Belfast. The tide is turning faster than I like in England.”

“Well, from the history I’ve been able to dig up, the English hold a deeper fear of the dragon-shifters than the other countries of the UK. They are easier to rile up.”

“It could also be because England has the biggest population of the four countries, which means more idiots to believe everything they see on the telly.”

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