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Healed by the Dragon (Stonefire Dragons 3)

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“And why does that make me uneasy?”

“Why, Finlay Stewart, where has your world-renowned self-confidence gone? I thought you knew everything.”

He muttered, “I did until I met you.”

As Arabella grinned at his admission, he maneuvered them to the next friendly family and introduced his future mate.

Chapter Four

Twenty minutes later, Arabella’s cheeks hurt from smiling so much.

On top of that, the way the Boyds and MacKenzies acted was fairly normal for most families of the clan. The odd loner or obvious Duncan supporter would glare and be curt, but for the most part, everyone was warm.

As much as it felt like a betrayal to her own clan, she was growing to love the people of Lochguard. The choice to come here for a fresh start was the best decision she’d ever made. She only hoped her presence didn’t cause too much trouble for Finn or anyone else. After all, it’d only been a few days.

Once word got out she was here, there would be trouble. Both the Dragon Knights and dragon hunters hated her and had vowed revenge for her interview, which had revealed their brutal methods and what dragon hunters would do to an innocent. Even though the knights were a separate entity, her interview had foiled their plan to win support to dismantle the Department of Dragon Affairs.

Even if Finn didn’t worry about the local dragon hunters, the Dragon Knights were scarier. Given they had bombed both the Manchester and London DDA offices a few months earlier, nothing was too extreme for them.

Her dragon growled. If they show up, let me take care of them.

Right, because you’re a trained warrior, Arabella said dryly.

In spirit, yes I am. I won’t let them hurt our mate.

He’s not our mate yet.

He is to me.

Finn walked up and handed her a cup of water. Since she didn’t want to keep talking with her dragon, she was grateful for the distraction. “Thanks.”

As she drank, Finn’s grin widened and the water in her stomach felt ten times heavier. Lowering the cup, she asked, “What did you do?”

“Who said I did anything?”

She sighed. “Finn, between meeting all of these people and keeping my dragon under control, I’m tired. For once, can you give me a straight answer?” He cocked an eyebrow and she rolled her eyes. “Fine, pretty please?”

“There, now that wasn’t so hard, was it?” She growled and he put up his hands. “Okay, okay. The DJ is about to play our song.”

“Since when do we have a song?”

He shrugged. “I picked one.”

“Finlay Stewart, you had better bloody well start asking me things or I will let my dragon break your penis during the frenzy.”

He blinked. “What?”

“You heard me. She has all kinds of ideas to try, and said she may even break your cock. So, if you want me to try and stop that from happening, start bloody asking me what I want instead of just deciding it for me.”

Finn unconsciously moved a hand in front of his groin. “I was looking forward to the frenzy, but now, I’m not so sure.” When she raised her brows, he cleared his throat. “I will try to ask from now on, provided your life doesn’t depend on it. Even if your dragon will break my cock later, I won’t ask you if it’s okay to save your life before I do it.”

She shoved against his chest and ignored the heat that flared. “Now you’re just being ridiculous. Of course there will be exceptions in life or death situations. Just tell me about the song. Are we really dancing in front of everyone?”


nbsp; The twinkled returned to his eyes. “Oh, aye. I hope you remember some of the old dances we all learn during our childhood, because we’re doing one of those.” She opened her mouth to ask why, but Finn beat her to it. “The reason is because there’s very little touching involved. You’ve done so well with the clan and I don’t want to ruin that.”

Her dragon broke out of the latest prison Arabella constructed. She really needed to learn how to create a maze.

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