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Healed by the Dragon (Stonefire Dragons 3)

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Arabella’s blushed turned brighter. “It’ll have to be soon, too. My dragon gives you five minutes, ten at the most, before she loses control. If you can’t get us out of here soon enough, I’ll leave without you and you’ll just have to catch me.”

The thought of chasing Arabella and taking her in a hidden clearing somewhere made his cock throb. “If you run, I’ll find you, Arabella. One way or another, I’m claiming you tonight.”

She merely bobbed her head and he resisted smiling at her response. Despite the power his dragon goddess had over him, Finn kept forgetting she was a virgin. While her dragon wouldn’t be shy, her human half still was.

He turned them toward the crowd. Since his beast was nearing the exit of the maze, he pushed aside all thoughts of him and Arabella naked and scanned his clan members. Faye was supposed to be guarding the main entrance, but she was absent. Shay was there in her stead.

Trusting his cousin had a reason for her absence, Finn started his speech. “Dragon-shifters take their mates very seriously. We protect them with our lives because they are our happiness and light.” He turned his head toward Arabella. “Arabella MacLeod, you will be my light and strength through good times and bad. With you at my side, I believe together we can make Lochguard the strongest clan in the United Kingdom.” He lowered his voice a tad for effect. “Sorry, but your old clan will lose to us. Only one clan can be the strongest, after all.” The crowd chuckled and Arabella did a mini-eye roll. He continued, “I offer you my protection, my home, and my name. I would like to kiss you in front of our clan, as a promise to uphold my offers. What do you say?”


Arabella hesitated. After all, it had only been two days. Would Finn always want her, even once the novelty wore off?

Arabella’s dragon growled. He is our mate. Of course he will want us. Kiss him. He is ours. Claim him.

Seeing as this is the most important decision of my life, can I have a bloody second?

No. I will count to ten before I unleash the frenzy lust. One, two…

Arabella mentally scowled at her beast before she finally answered Finn, “Yes.”

Cheers rose up as Finn placed his hands on her waist and drew her close. Nuzzling the side of her cheek, he murmured, “I meant every word, Arabella. After this, you’re mine and I will do whatever it takes to protect what’s mine.”

His possessive tone made her stomach flip in a good way. Rather than admit it, she whispered, “Just bloody kiss me, dragonman.”

Chuckling, he moved to look into her eyes. “With pleasure.”

Finn’s lips descended on hers. The second his warm, soft mouth touched hers, her beast roared.

Arabella ignored her to wrap her arms around his neck and parted her lips for his tongue. With each stroke, lust pulsed through her body. When he pulled her up against his hard cock, the strongest desire of her life hit her, causing her nipples to throb, her pussy to pulse, and her skin to burn. Every instinct urged her to toss up Finn’s traditional dragon-shifter outfit, wrap her legs around his waist, and ride his cock as if her life depended on it.

Judging by Finn’s possessive grip on her arse, he was no less affected as he dominated her with his tongue.

As Arabella tried to fight back and take control, Finn pulled away. She growled, “Not enough. Not nearly enough.”

His eyes blazed with heat. “Not here.”

Rubbing her body against his, she whispered, “Then hurry.”

Finn turned his head toward the crowd. As he spoke, Arabella kissed his throat. “I’m afraid you’ll have to enjoy the rest of the evening without us.” She nipped his skin. “As you can see, the frenzy is about to start.”

Arabella’s dragon roared again. Now. We must claim him. Let’s go.

As if Finn could hear her thoughts, he took her hand and raced down the stairs. The crowd parted, allowing them to pass. Normally, Arabella would study the faces to assess threats, but her eyes were glued to Finn. Both woman and beast wanted him with every cell of their body.

They exited the main entrance and Finn pulled her to the side to kiss her again. The quick, rough brush of lips and tangle of tongues was over before Arabella could blink. Finn whispered, “There’s plenty more of that once we reach my cottage.”

Digging her nails into his chest, she answered, “There had bloody well better be. My skin is on fire. I need you, Finn.”

“Come on.”

They all but ran toward his cottage. They were nearly there when Faye jogged in front of Finn and ordered, “Stop, Finn, and listen.”

Finn growled. “Not now, Faye. I’m barely holding on as it is.”

Arabella leaned into Finn’s side, the heat of his body helping to control the pounding need to mate. Somehow, she forced her brain to work. “Tell us, Faye.”

Faye nodded and answered quickly, “I was trying to reach you before the kiss. Even though I failed, I need you to listen, Finlay. It’s important.”

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