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Surrendering to the Dragon (Stonefire Dragons 5)

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Chapter One

Nikola Gray sat across from Logan Lamont, a male nurse from Clan Lochguard, and willed herself to focus on the Scottish dragonman and to avoid looking at her mobile phone for the tenth time.

New information kept coming in about Nikki’s latest mission to hopefully rid her clan of their dragon hunter problem. As the operation date drew closer, she half-expected for something to come up and delay it. As it was, going on a first date wasn’t high on her list of priorities. She’d much rather be going over plans with her team.

Her inner dragon growled. You promised me sex. If you use work as an excuse again, I might finally carry out my threat of taking control and sleeping with the first single male I find.

Nikki mentally rolled her eyes. Try it. But you know Kai and Bram will tan our hides if you bollocks up the mission they’ve been planning for nearly half a year.

I just might risk it. It’s been more than a year since we’ve had sex.

And we’ve been busy protecting the clan.

Her dragon grunted. That reasoning is getting thin. Besides, the Scottish male is handsome and came all the way from Lochguard to have dinner. He’s clearly interested. Sleeping with him doesn’t mean we have to mate him. We should skip dessert and just take him back to our place.

Before Nikki could reply, Logan cleared his throat. “Is something on your mind, lass?”

Forcing a smile, Nikki answered the blond dragonman. “Nothing more than usual. Why do you ask?”

Logan darted his brown eyes to the side and back to her. “Because that lot over there keeps whispering your name and staring. I wasn’t sure if they knew something I didn’t.”

From the corner of her eye, Nikki spotted a group of elderly dragon-shifter females. Resisting a curse, she replied, “They’re probably just admiring the sexy Scot sitting across from me.”

Logan sat up taller. “I wish that were true.” He leaned forward a bit. “Is that what you were talking about with your dragon, Nikki? The sexy Scot sitting with you?”

She eyed the Scottish male. Logan was tall, with chiseled cheeks and kind eyes; more than handsome by any standard. Not to mention he really had come all the way from Scotland to have dinner with her, thanks to Dr. Sid’s suggestion.

Still, there wasn’t any spark or flicker of fire so far. Nikki didn’t expect fireworks, but a little heat would be nice.

Her beast huffed. Just invite him over to our place. If nothing else, he won’t treat us as special. Logan has no idea we’re the first child born to a sacrifice on Stonefire.

And I plan to keep it that way.

Inching forward, Nikki was about to ask him to come back to her place when one of the elderly dragonwomen strode toward their table. Oh no. The last thing she needed was for one of the clan to meddle.

If only Nikki could have scheduled the dinner on Lochguard. Too bad her duties as a Protector currently prevented her from leaving Stonefire for more than a short while.

Her dragon spoke up again. Grab his hand and let’s go before the old biddy tries something.

Nikki debated her dragon’s suggestion. Before she could make a decision, Tabitha Seaward stopped next to their table. “Care to introduce me to your friend, Nikki?”

Resisting a sigh, Nikki met the seventy-year-old female’s gaze. Thankfully, Logan spoke up before Nikki said something she’d regret. “My name is Logan Lamont, Miss...?”

Tabitha’s frown eased. “I haven’t been a miss in years, Mr. Lamont. But you can call me Mrs. Seaward.”

Standing up, Logan bowed his head. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Seaward.”

Nikki watched the old female blush and bat a hand at Logan. “Stop it, Mr. Lamont. I just wanted to come over and make sure you’re good enough for our Nikki.”

Logan darted a glance at her and back. “Aye? And how am I doing?”

Tabitha eyed him from head to toe. “You’re doing fine. And if things go well, she can finally do what she’s meant to do and start having babies.”

Clenching her fingers under the table, Nikki frowned. “I think it’s time for you to go, Tabitha.”

Tabitha waved a hand. “Nonsense. You’re twenty-six years old and unattached. Since you can’t manage to find a male on your own, I’m going to help you land a mate.”

To his credit, Logan didn’t bolt from the room. “Pardon?”

Nikki stood up and threaded her voice with dominance. “I really think you should leave, Tabitha.”

Tabitha harrumphed. “Fine. But the longer you put it off, Nikola, the longer you let down the entire clan.”

With a flip of her long, gray braid, Tabitha stormed off.

Taking a deep breath, Nikki met Logan’s gaze again. Curiosity burned there. Nikki decided what the hell, the damage was done already. She might as well tell him the truth. “Sorry about that. The elders expect me to breed and dedicate my life to repopulating the clan.”

Logan raised an eyebrow. “And why would they do that?”

“Because I was the first child born to a sacrifice on Stonefire and they see me as some kind of symbol,” she muttered.

“Why? Are they waiting to have children until you do? Because if so, I think Mrs. Seaward is out of luck.”

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