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Surrendering to the Dragon (Stonefire Dragons 5)

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Rafe took a step toward the dragonman, but Jane put herself between them. Laying her hand on Kai’s chest, the dragonman kept his position.

Jane’s blue eyes met Rafe’s green. “Nikki’s asked for the frenzy, and we need a decision.”

Relief with a small thread of fear flooded his body. At least, he would get the chance to see Nikki again. “She did?”

“Yes,” Jane answered. “And before you give your answer, make sure to think with your brain and not your cock.”

“Jane,” Rafe said with narrowed eyes.

She shrugged. “Hey, you’re the one with the female conquests. You’ve worn them proudly.” She poked his chest. “But this is different. I like Nikki. If you hurt her, I will castrate you myself while you’re sleeping.”

If she only knew the truth about my past with Nikki. Pushing it aside, he frowned. “Your threats have never worked before. Why do you think they will now?”

Kai wrapped an arm around Jane from behind. “Regardless of what you think of your sister’s threats, know this, human—you hurt Nikki in any way and I’ll handle your punishment myself.”

Rafe raised his middle finger. “Fuck off, Kai.”

Kai’s pupils flashed. Jane leaned her back against his chest, and the dragonman’s pupils became round again. His sister’s voice was softer as she said, “Just remember that if you say yes, there’s a child at the end of it all.”

Rafe sighed. “I know, Janey. I know.”

Jane walked forward, and Kai dropped his arm. Laying a hand on Rafe’s shoulder, Jane murmured, “It’s also illegal. The Department of Dragon Affairs can't find out what you’ve done.”

“Which is a bloody daft rule considering human females can ask to mate with male dragon-shifters,” he muttered.

“I don’t make the rules, Rafe.” She searched his eyes. “So, what do you want to do?”

The image of the little girl running through the field and laughing came back again. After nearly eighteen years in the army, a small part of Rafe wanted to protect a family of his own instead of only ever protecting his country.

Not that he didn’t serve with pride; he couldn’t imagine doing anything else. But his retirement was coming up soon, and there’d be a huge void to fill. A little girl might just be the thing he needed to brighten and give meaning to his life.

And deep down, he admitted that he wouldn’t mind arguing and matching wits with Nikola Gray for many years to come.

Of course, it all rested on whether the Department of Dragon Affairs, or DDA, would allow him to claim his child or not. Rafe would just have to work toward making that goal a reality.

Clearing his throat, Rafe stood tall. “I’ll participate in the frenzy.”

Jane smiled. “I think that’s the right choice, Rafe. I really do. And not just because I’m looking forward to being an auntie.”

He replied, “Right, that’s nice and all, but what happens next? Nikki must be in pain, and I don’t want to keep her waiting.”

Kai studied him a second before jumping in. “Nikki’s been moved to a private cottage and awaits your decision. I’ll take you there.”

“Are you just going to yell at me the whole way?” Rafe drawled.

Grunting, irritation flared in Kai’s eyes. “How about we put aside our mutual dislike of each other for the time being and focus on Nikki?”

Rafe nodded. “I can do that. But just one thing—what about the mission?”

“We’re working on that. With both of you out of commission, the kidnapping will be delayed,” Kai answered.

“Is that wise? It took us months of waiting for this chance.”

Kai’s expression didn’t waver. “It’ll have to be.” The dragonman motioned toward the door. “Let’s go. The mate-claim frenzy is pretty straightforward. But I’ll answer your questions on the way.”

Kai kissed Jane and then exited the room without another word. Rafe met his sister’s gaze. “Should I be worried?”

“Only if you don’t like mind-blowing, life-altering sex, from what the others have told me. Although, your penis might hurt after a while.”

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