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Finding the Dragon (Stonefire Dragons 7.50)

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The male doctor turned around. “Beyond the scratch on his arm and a slightly erratic heart beat, everything else is normal. I’ll test his blood and check it against Trahern’s data. In the meantime, I’m going to allow the sedative to wear off so I can see his reaction. If Kai wakes up violent, I’ll sedate him again. If you could post two Protectors in his room, in case he breaks his restraints, I would appreciate it.”

Jane spoke up before Rhydian. “You’re going to restrain him?”

Maelon shifted his gaze to her. “From what I’ve heard, Stonefire did the same to those hit with the darts from the drones.”

“Sorry, you’re right.” Jane stared at Kai’s still body. “But I want to stay with him.”

Rhydian jumped in. “There’s nothing you can do here, Ms. Hartley. Go back to Lily’s place and rest. We may need your help further regarding Delia’s search.”

“I can help just as easily from here.”

Maelon chuckled. “Rhydian, trust me, mates rarely take the suggestion to rest when they should in these types of situations.”

Jane managed to tear her gaze from Kai. “Even I know that, Doctor…?”

Maelon put out a hand. “I’m Dr. Maelon Perry, Snowridge’s head doctor.”

Shaking his hand, Jane blurted out, “You seem young to be head doctor.”

The black-haired, brown-eyed doctor smiled. “If you listen to my orders, then maybe I’ll tell you the why behind it.”

Even though Jane had just met Maelon, his presence brought calmness. Most doctors seemed to have that characteristic. She finally released her grip. “Consider it a deal, Doctor Perry.”

“Good. Then allow the nurses to finish restraining Kai and then you can sit at his side. However, I will also put a temporary bed in here for you. Promise me now that you’ll use it if you get tired.”

At the steel in the doctor’s voice, she said, “I will.”

“Right, then let’s get everything finalized. Once I have the blood results, I’ll let you both know what I find.”

Jane turned toward Rhydian. “I also want to know what you find at that farm.” Rhydian raised an eyebrow and Jane added, “Please.”

“You may amuse me, Ms. Hartley, but that will only go so far before I start reprimanding you. After all, you are a guest on my clan. Understood?”

Since she couldn’t risk angering the clan leader, she murmured, “Yes.”

“Then stay here and I’ll let you know what I can via your mobile phone. Now excuse me, I have matters to attend. Your clan leader is waiting on details from me.”

Once Snowridge’s leader exited the room, Dr. Perry gave a few last minute instructions to his nurses before doing the same. It took everything Jane had to stay back and watch the nurses draw blood and restrain Kai.

The second they finished, she was at his bedside and gently brushing his forehead. “Whatever happens, I’ll be here, Kai. Maybe when you’re well again, you’ll finally realize that there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do to stay by your side. I love you.”

Leaning down, she kissed his lips and settled into the chair next to the bed to do what she hated most—wait and see what happened.

Chapter Seven

Jane stood on the back of a flying dragon as it sailed through the rainbow-colored clouds. Despite her arms thrown wide, the wind wasn’t more than a soft whisper against her skin.

For the first time, she started to understand why Kai loved flying so much.

However, before she could enjoy the sensation any longer, a roar cut through her dream and her eyes popped open.

Kai thrashed in his restraints on the bed. If that wasn’t bad enough, a face she didn’t want to see stood over him.

Maggie Jones gazed down at Kai with longing.

Jane jumped to her feet, but a pair of muscled arms wrapped around her

from behind. She tried to throw her head back to make contact with her assailant’s nose, but he easily dodged it. She spat out, “Let me go.”

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