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Finding the Dragon (Stonefire Dragons 7.50)

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Dr. Davies rolled her eyes. “Trahern, I wonder about you sometimes.”

Sensing the pair would keep chatting about the small detail, Rhydian barked, “Anything else? Otherwise, I need to attend to my clan.”

Dr. Davies sat up taller. “That’s all for now. We’ll let you know when the results are in.”

The screen went blank before Rhydian could so much as open his mouth.

Still, despite the human’s backbone and behavior, Rhydian’s desire to change his clan’s policy on humans didn’t waver. If anything, he appreciated her tendency to speak her mind. It was a hell of a lot easier than dealing with Trahern’s long, detailed conversations.

A groan came from the direction of the sofa. Rhydian noticed the boy frowning in his sleep and turning his head this way and that.

It was then that Rhydian noticed the toy rabbit on the floor. Rushing to the boy’s prized Mr. Cottontail, he snatched it up and pressed it against Rian’s chest. He instantly hugged the toy and his movements calmed down.

He hesitated a second before brushing the hair off Rian’s forehead. The boy wouldn’t stay on Snowridge forever, but as long as he did, he would drive Rhydian to work harder.

Moving to his desk, he began sorting through his paperwork. The sooner he cleaned house, the sooner he could put his clan on the path to a better future.

Chapter Ten

A few days later, Jane leaned against Kai as they made their way down the hall to Delia’s room. “I wish they would’ve told us more than simply saying that Delia is awake.”

“Would you have preferred me arguing on the phone instead of just making our way to her room ourselves?” Kai asked.

“No. I just, well, no matter what anyone says, I still feel a little bit responsible.”

“I would argue, but I don’t think you’ll listen.”

She frowned. “What happened to being nice to me?”

The corner of Kai’s mouth ticked up. “You’re the one who wanted me to stop treating you as if you’d break. Besides, the doctor said you’re healing nicely. The shot of my blood really sped up your healing process.”

“I would say thank you, but for a while you kept trying to make me sign a sacrifice contract.”

Kai grinned. “I couldn’t resist, although my version of the contract was slightly different. I didn’t require pregnancy, just lots of sex once you’re healed.”

She rolled her eyes. “Lots of kinky sex, I should add.”

They approached the door. “Unless you want to talk about all the sex acts I put into writing in front of my mother and stepfather, you might want to drop it for now.”

Jane stuck out her tongue before whispering, “This conversation isn’t finished.”

Kai winked, and Jane couldn’t help but smile. She took each and every moment as a gift. Kai had kissed his once-true mate and hadn’t wanted her.

More than that, he hadn’t even joked about requiring a baby in exchange for his blood.

Jane was enough for him.

Between that and the positive responses she’d seen for her first video episode, Jane only hoped Delia was okay. If so, it would make her day almost perfect.

They entered the hospital room to find Delia sitting upright in her bed with Lily and Gareth on one side, and Rhydian and Dr. Perry on the other.

Delia’s green eyes met hers and Jane held her breath.

As soon as the teenager smiled, Jane relaxed a fraction. Delia said, “You two are here. Now I can give my big report.”

Closing the distance to Delia’s bed, Kai asked, “What report?”

Rhydian answered, “The one where she tells us what she found out.”

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