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Transforming Snowridge (Stonefire Dragons Universe 2)

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He moved her away a few inches, undid the button and fly of her jeans, and then slowly slid his hand inside her pants.

The instant his rough finger touched her pussy, she moaned and arched toward him. "Even if it's just your finger, I want you inside me. Now."

He didn't hesitate and slowly entered her. Clinging to his arms, she moved her hips to hurry him up. "More, give me more."

With a growl, Rhydian removed his finger and thrust back in with two. He continued the movement, hitting the secret spot inside of her that made her even hotter.

By this point, Delaney panted. And Rhydian had only used his fingers.

Damn, she looked forward to what he could do with his dick.

Then Rhydian lightly brushed her clit with his thumb, and she could do nothing but ride his fingers and hold on. Soon the pressure built and she crested over the edge, her pussy squeezing Rhydian's fingers as he continued to move.

By the time she finally came down, she was slumped against Rhydian's chest, grateful for the support or her knees might've gone out.

Rhydian's voice rumbled under her ear. "And that, my dear Irish lady, is merely the tip of the iceberg of what I want to do with you."

Rubbing his chest in slow circles with one of her hands, she said, "I have a few fantasies of my own I'd like to try." She ran her hand down to the hard outline of his cock against his jeans. "I can show you a peek of them right now."

Hissing, Rhydian grabbed her hand and pulled it away. "As much as I want to say fuck yes, I can't, love. It's too dangerous. No matter how honorable me or my dragon might be, it could make our resolve snap and start the frenzy."

Doing her best to hide her disappointment—she knew it had to be this way, but she still didn't like it—she asked, "When will this operation of yours be over?"

"If I have any say in the matter, less than two weeks."

She looked up and did a double take at his pupils rapidly flashing between round and slitted. The question she'd been about to ask faded. "Are you okay?"

His eyes finally stopped changing and the pupils remained round. "I will be. I just need to let you go and put some distance between us."

She stepped back and was grateful she could stand upright on her own again. "Not for long, I hope?"

"Not if I can help it." He gestured toward her pants. "Tidy up and then we'll go. Rian's waiting for us at home. I explained as much as I could to him, but he'll have questions. I hope you're ready for them."

As she made herself presentable again, she smiled at the word home. There would be plenty of fights ahead. But now, Delaney had sorted through most of her doubts and was determined to come out the winner.

She bobbed her head. "I think so. I plan to be honest more than anything. I hope that matches your parenting style."

Rhydian snorted. "If winging it by the seat of your pants is your style, too, then yes."

She grinned and met his gaze again. "As it happens, yes, that's it. Although at some point, we'll need to talk more about what we both expect."

"Of course." He reached out a hand and she placed hers in his without hesitation. "Now, let's go. It's time to face the clan and the future."

Together, they left the surgery and headed toward Rhydian's place. Wait, no, their place.

Aye, their place. Together, they would defend their home and show everyone that humans and half humans belonged on Snowridge like anyone else.

Chapter Eleven

If someone had told Rhydian even a few months ago that he'd be standing in the main landing area, waiting for some dragon-shifters from Lochguard and Stonefire to arrive to help his adopted son, he would've called them mad.

And yet, here he was, waiting for some half-human dragons, as well as even a human- and dragon-mated couple, to come and interact with the children for a special day at school.

His dragon spoke up. We probably should've done this a year or two ago, once Stonefire started changing things in the UK.

Given how restrictive the DDA was even two years ago about dragons from one clan interacting with another, it probably couldn't have happened. The approval process to officially let us meet would've taken months, not days.

A few dragons appeared in the distance. Rhydian glanced at Wren and his head Protector nodded. Those were the Stonefire dragons.

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