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Transforming Snowridge (Stonefire Dragons Universe 2)

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Gesturing toward the kitchen, she replied, "I have dinner just about ready. There's plenty, too, and you can eat as much as you want."

"No waiting. Food. Now."

"I can fetch you a snack." She put out a hand. "Come on. Let's go to the kitchen."

Rian's pupils remained slitted as she stood and guided him to the kitchen. His movements jerked a little, and she only hoped it was because his dragon wasn't used to being in control.

Rhydian had laid out some worst-case scenarios, but she refused to believe they'd come true. Especially the most awful, which meant his dragon was insane and would never relinquish control.

No. Delaney refused to imagine her sweet, energetic nephew would disappear forever. Maybe Snowridge’s doctor would think of something. Or, he could even contact some of the other dragon doctors. Somebody had to have an idea somewhere.

As soon as she had Rian at the table, she quickly took out some crisps and sweets. While not what she'd usually serve right before dinner, she hoped one of them would distract the dragon.

However, in his altered voice, Rian grunted and said, "No. Meat. I want meat."

Since dinner was still cooking, she took out some sliced ham from the refrigerator. As soon as she put it on a plate and served it, Rian started devouring it piece by piece.

Knowing her time was limited, she scooped up her phone and sent Rhydian a quick text message. As much as she wanted to hear Rhydian's voice and have him reassure her everything would be okay, she couldn't risk Rian's dragon listening in.

A quick reply arrived: I'm coming now.

Forcing herself to keep a smile on her face, she continued feeding Rian ham and then some cheese—which he seemed to find okay, too—as she waited for Rhydian.

She only hoped he could convince Rian's dragon to let the human half take control again. Otherwise, she'd lose Rian forever, just like she'd lost her sister and her parents.


Rhydian ran down the corridors toward his home, avoiding people and shouting apologies as he went. All that mattered was reaching Delaney and Rian as soon as possible.

Because Rian's dragon had finally come out and taken control.

While the dragon could be normal and only be wanting some time out after years of being stuck inside Rian's brain, the boy's beast might also be insane or rogue. While Rian's blood tests had been inconclusive right after his rescue, it didn't mean he'd been free of experimentation like the other children kidnapped by the dragon hunters.

And if it were true, and Rian's human half was lost and his dragon out of control, then Rhydian would be faced with one of the hardest decisions of his life.

His dragon growled. Don't think like that. Rian would never hur

t her. We'll bring him back.

Normally, no, he wouldn't hurt Delaney. But you saw how some of the children acted once we rescued them from the hunters. Some are still having episodes of insanity and blackouts, where their dragons do whatever they wish, despite the various treatments they've received.

I hold on to my belief that Rian is still himself. He's not the only boy to ever have a late-blooming dragon.

Rhydian rounded the last corner. We're about to find out the truth. Stay quiet for now. The last thing we need is for Rian's dragon to want to challenge you.

His beast not saying a word and arguing with him told Rhydian that his dragon was a little worried, too.

Stopping in front of the door, he pushed aside as many negative thoughts as possible. A few seconds later, he calmly opened the door and walked inside.

Rian sat at the table, shoving food into his mouth in a haphazard fashion. He didn't even look up, which meant his dragon wanted food more than anything else for the moment.

He briefly met Delaney's gaze and pride surged through his body at how composed she looked. Not many humans would've been able to keep it together in the face of a young, uncontrollable dragon. He should've known his human would be able to handle whatever came her way.

After giving his female a brief nod, he focused back on Rian. Step by slow step, he approached his son in all but blood. Only when he was about two feet from the table did the lad stop eating and swing his head around to look at him.

Rian instantly brought the plate of meat and cheese closer. "Mine."

"Eat as much as you want, lad. I won't take it from you."

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