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Transforming Snowridge (Stonefire Dragons Universe 2)

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Delaney Murphy wasn't what Rhydian had expected, that was for certain.

Of all the females to be Rian's aunt, the one in question was a bloody former boxer.

His dragon snorted. I guess she won't be intimidated easily.

I thought you wanted her spooked, so she'd flee as soon as possible?

Perhaps. But she's strong, fierce, and beautiful. I want her.

Rhydian did his best not to let his unease show on his face. You're kidding, right?

No. Woo her a bit, and then maybe she'll let us kiss her.

His dragon's behavior sent off warning bells. Fate wouldn't be absurd enough to make this human our true mate, would it?

Why not? Step a little closer. I want to smell her so we can dream about her later.

Most dragon-shifters would be happy to find their potential true mate.

But for Rhydian, it was an inconvenience. There was too much to do with the clan. Not to mention the last time he'd been with a human female, it had ended with her being chased out of Wales and him being given a reminder by his uncles that he needed to stay away from humans. A reminder that had resulted in the three permanent scars on his cheek.

His dragon spoke up. Deny it all you want, but you think Delaney is beautiful, too, with her long, dark hair and dark eyes. And her strength, both physical and in terms of her personality, is the opposite of Liliwen.

Liliwen had been a shorter, curvier female who had been too kindhearted to deal with Snowridge's animosity toward humans. He'd known that from their first accidental meeting, but he'd been young at the time and had thought he could change the world.

But the world was a lot tougher to change than most people realized.

Rhydian replied to his beast, One of the clan members taking a human mate would be easy. Me doing it, though? There will be rebellion. If she even wants a dragon mate.

Why wouldn't she? We're quite the catch.

He must've been lost in conversation too long with his dragon because Delaney stepped closer and waved her hand in front of his face. "Pardon me interrupting, but maybe you could tell me what's going to happen? Because if you're going to lock me in here again, I'm going to fight you, win, and leave."

His dragon snorted. She's definitely not afraid of us.

Rhydian ignored his beast. "Cockiness may have worked in your boxing days, but dragon-shifters are physically stronger than humans."

Delaney turned partially away before she snapped back and moved like lightning toward him. She tried to punch him in the side, but Rhydian grabbed her wrist and twisted her arm behind her back.

For a second, all he could do was stare down at her thrust-out chest, watching the rise and fall of breasts, and revel in the heat from her body.

While absurd, he swore she smelled like summer and sunshine.

His dragon hummed. She's so close. Tilt her head a little and move in. She might let us kiss her.

I'm not going to accost her.

Almost to spite his dragon, Rhydian released the human female and moved back to lean against the doorframe. "Dragon-shifters are always quicker, not to mention we have better hearing. Maybe one day you'll think of a strategy to win against me, but today isn't that day, Delaney Murphy."

"But you think I could, which just raised my opinion of you."

Her words shouldn't have made his heart speed up, but they did.

Rhydian could be truly fucked if he hung around this female too much.

His dragon merely laughed, which didn't help matters.

He shrugged. "The fact you made it as close as you did proves you have some skill." She narrowed her eyes, but he beat her to it. "However, do you want to waste time debating how great you are, or do you want to discuss Rian?"

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