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Accidental Acquisition (Kindred)

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“It sounds like…a very interesting dream,” Kalis admitted, wishing that his cock would go down. He was sporting a huge erection but he hoped she wouldn’t notice.

His hope was in vain, however, because the next thing he knew, her small hand was wrapped around his shaft and she was caressing him gently.

“Kalis,” she whispered, rubbing herself against him some more. “In the dream, you and your Ursus were both so deep inside me and it felt so good.”

“Now, sweetheart…” Gently, he pried her soft little hand off his aching cock, though it was the last thing he wanted to do. “You know we ought to wait a little bit longer to be sure you’re completely healed before we bond.”

“I am healed, though,” Jillian protested. “And for some reason, I’m aching to be with you. Please, Kalis, can’t we just try? I just—” At that moment, she froze and got a look of intense concentration on her face.

Kalis frowned, but didn’t interrupt. He knew the look of someone receiving a Think-me call, well enough. He just wondered who would be calling her at midnight.

“No, I wasn’t asleep,” he heard Jillian murmur. “But why are you calling me in the middle of the night? Is one of the babies sick?”

There was another long pause and then her eyes widened.

“Oh no! Are you sure? But Suzanne, I ate four of those things. Five, actually, because I sneaked back into the pantry and had another at the end of the night, after service was over!” There was another pause and then she said, “Overdose? Can you overdose on that? I mean, I know the centers of the chocolates were really concentrated but I didn’t know—”

At this point, Kalis couldn’t be silent any longer.

“Sweetheart, what is it?” he asked anxiously. “Who is that?”

“It’s Suzanne. Give me just a minute more,” Jillian told him. Her gaze turned inward again, and he knew she was talking to her friend. “Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Yes, I guess I’ll have to tell him. No, don’t worry about me—I’ll be all right. Don’t feel bad. Look, Suze, I really have to go.” She winced and shifted her hips. “I, uh, think I’m kind of feeling the effects right now. Don’t worry—Kalis is here to help me. Okay, love you too. Goodnight.”

Kalis was watching her anxiously as she finally looked up at him.

“What happened?” he demanded. “What were you talking about when you said you overdosed on something?”

Jillian bit her lip.

“Okay, this is going to sound weird, but Suzanne has been thinking about opening a patisserie and chocolate shop that has a section just for couples, with all the products made with Bonding Fruit.”

“Bonding Fruit?” Kalis exclaimed. “That stuff can be dangerous if you don’t have a mate to help you after you eat it!”

“That’s exactly why she’s going to make it a couples only section,” Jillian told him. “And she had some of the chocolates with her today and asked me to try them. Only she accidentally mixed them up and instead of eating the harmless passion fruit ones, I apparently ate five of the Bonding Fruit ones.” She nibbled her lower lip. “Which could account for my sexy dream, I guess.”

“And the way you’re rubbing against me,” Kalis murmured, because his sexy little female was still at it, pressing her full breasts and bare pussy against his side and thigh, driving him damn-near crazy.

“Am I?” Jillian looked down at herself. “Oh God, I am! I’m sorry, Kalis—I didn’t even realize. And where is my nightgown?”

“Maybe you took it off in your sleep?” he suggested. “At any rate, I certainly don’t feel it right now. Feels to me like you’re completely naked, sweetheart.”

“I am!” Jillian sounded equal parts horrified and aroused. “God, this Bonding Fruit is strong stuff if it made me get naked in my sleep!” She pressed harder against him. “I can’t help myself, Kalis—I want you in me!”

“I’m not surprised, after eating all that concentrated Bonding Fruit,” he growled, frowning. “But I still don’t know if it’s safe…”

“I feel fine—completely healed!” Jillian told him. “I swear I do. Please, Kalis, I feel so achy and swollen and empty inside. If you don’t help me, I don’t know what I’m going to do!”

Kalis looked at her in concern. Was she really healed? Was it safe to bond her to him?

She is healed. I healed her.

The inner voice of his Ursus surprised him. Though they had become even closer and he was able to communicate with the other half of himself more easily ever since Jillian had tamed him, Brun still spoke only rarely. But this time he seemed to have a very definite opinion.

I healed her, his Ursus informed him again. It is safe to bond her to us.

Us? What do you mean, ‘us’? Kalis sent back, but then Jillian was rubbing against him again and making soft, frantic sounds of need, which were incredibly distracting.

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