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Virgin (Vitali's Legacy)

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Angelo disappeared back into his office. Gemma sidled up to him surreptitiously.

“Can I tell you a secret?”

“Always,” Bobby said idly without really thinking about it. She had the sort of gleeful attitude about her which suggested it would be something silly, one of Gemma’s little jokes. Nobody messed around as much as this girl did.

Her eyes sparkled. “I broke it.”

“What?” Bobby’s head snapped around to her.

“I stood on it, and it cracked. And I tried to glue it back together, but it stuck to the table. Super glue really is super. Anyway, I tried to pry it off, and then it just sort of shattered into little pieces.”

Bobby’s eyes widened. He grabbed Gemma and pulled her to the side. “Did you just fucking lie to Angelo’s face?”

Gemma shrugged. “I guess? I don’t know. Probably. Maybe. I mean, yeah. Technically, yes.”

“Do you know what he will do to you when he works that out?”

“If he works that out,” Gemma smirked. “I threw it all away, so he won’t know I did anything. He already just thinks he lost it. He’s old. Old people always think technology is out to get them.”

“He’s not old,” Bobby growled. “Not that old, anyway. And he’s definitely not completely fucking stupid. He knows things don’t just disappear.”

Bobby cursed under his breath. He knew very well what he should do. He should drag her ass directly to Angelo and have him deal with her, but she was right. Angelo wouldn’t know what had happened to it. He would assume it had been lost somewhere in the house. She could actually get away with this - if he let her.

“Boy, I need you,” Angelo called.

“We are going to talk about this,” he growled firmly. “This is not over.”

“Of course not,” she smiled sweetly.

It was almost midnight before Bobby could get her alone without drawing attention from Angelo, but he did not forget Gemma. He could not forget what she had done, given they had spent the better part of an entire day trying to compensate for the damage.

She was pretending to be asleep when he went into her room, though he knew from many hours of having actually watched her sleep that she was not sleeping at all. Her breathing was far too shallow, and her eyelashes weren’t fluttering the way they did when she was in deep slumber.

“Hey!” She let out a whine of complaint as he ripped the blankets off her. “What the?”

“I am going to deal with you,” Bobby said. “All fucking day, we’ve been cleaning up your mess while you watched internet videos.”

“Are you, though?” She sat up with such a cocky smirk, Bobby nearly saw red. “Also, nobody calls them internet videos, grandpa.”

Little shit. He’d fix her.

He pulled something from his pocket, a little tool just two inches long, softly rounded at one end, growing wider through the body before narrowing to a very small diameter and then flaring to a wide base.

The look in Gemma’s eyes told him that she knew what it was. Her expression was a mixture of horror, fascination, and perhaps even anticipation.

“This is going inside you,” Bobby told her. “I’ve been thinking about it all day. I thought about canes, chains, cages….”

“Not cages,” she whimpered.

“Turn over and pull your panties down.” He gave the order confidently, knowing she’d do as she was told because of the unmentioned but obvious contingency of calling Angelo if she didn’t.


“I spent all day fixing your mistake and getting myself in deeper shit with every second I didn’t tell Angelo what you did. Get those panties down, girl.”

“Can’t we…”

He grabbed her and tossed her over onto her stomach. What ensued was a muffled struggle in which neither of them wanted to make a sound to rouse Angelo. It should have been easy to pin Gemma in place, but she knew how to wriggle right the fuck out of the way at opportune moments. Bobby’s cock thickened during the tussle, new arousal coursing through him as Gemma made his job the one thing he loved most: hard.

“Stay still, you goddamn little brat,” he growled in her ear, his voice deep and resonant.

He felt her shiver in response and thought she might submit, but then her hips bucked, and he was thrown to the side.

“Goddamnit, cut it out,” he hissed. “Angelo is going to hear, and then he’s going to come in here and ask me why I’m doing this, and I’m going to have to tell him the truth.”

“Or you could just not do this, whatever this is,” Gemma hissed back.

Giving up on getting Gemma to submit to him, Bobby grabbed the back of her panties in his hand. He yanked her underwear down, hearing and feeling the fabric give way beneath his fist.

“Oh my god,” Gemma whisper-screamed, thoroughly scandalized. “What are you doing to me?”

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