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Ugly Beast (Hell's Bastards MC 1)

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He presented his arm. If she could, she’d have smacked him in the face.

She took his arm and ignored that deep yearning to strike out at him. To hurt him so he knew what it felt like.

Had anyone ever hurt her father?

She wondered if it made her a sick person that she wanted to see it.

The wedding song was already playing, and she worried they’d taken too long. The last of the bridesmaids her mother picked out was still leading down the aisle.

Like all weddings she’d attended, the church was full.

When she was a little girl, she’d loved weddings. They had always seemed like great, luxury affairs. As she got older, and became more aware of the reasons for them, the fear of the bride, she’d hated them.

She would often find herself looking at the bride, waiting to see if she was happy about being married, or terrified.

For herself, she was scared shitless.

Her options were completely limited though. She either married this man who was tall, heavily inked, scarred, and completely the opposite of every single fiancé she’d ever seen standing there, or she risked being a failure to her father, and getting a beating for it.

Her life was screwed either way.

With her family, she knew she’d suffer through pain. With this man, she didn’t know what the consequences were, and right now, he seemed like the better option.

Her father’s words worried her though.

Did he expect her to talk about her husband’s activities? To spy on him and the club? That wasn’t a great start to any union, and to think, she still had to sleep with him.

It’s okay, Abriana.

Wear your mask.

It’ll be fine.

Take it one step at a time.

Her father lifted her veil, pressed a kiss to her cheek, and then handed her over to Ugly Beast.

I can do this.

She stared at Ugly Beast’s hands. His knuckles were split, and it looked like scabs were already starting to form.

She wanted to touch them, to see if they hurt. The same kind of cuts had been on her father’s knuckles many times. He’d even bloodied her clothing from the few punches he’d given her.

Ugly Beast had been fighting before their wedding.

Did they have to drag him to the wedding?

Was she really that detestable he had to be forced to marry her?

It was strange. After all the insults she’d had thrown at her, she really didn’t think she could ever be affected by such anger and hatred again. Only, that wasn’t the case. She felt raw, emotional, hurt. All because the thought of Ugly Beast not wanting to marry her filled her with regret.

The priest stopped talking as Ugly Beasty reached across, placing a finger beneath her chin.

“You okay?” Ugly Beast asked.

There was a gasp from the crowd. No one had ever stopped the priest from talking just to ask the bride if she was okay.

This couldn’t be happening.

She nodded her head. “Yes, yes, I’m fine. Please, continue.”

Ugly Beast kept hold of her chin. The priest didn’t start right away, and looked toward her future husband.

Her words were not worth anything to anyone. Even the priest sought out the answer from her soon to be husband.

She wanted to scream at the unfairness of it all.

Like so many women before her, she remained silent.

Ugly Beast didn’t let her go even as the priest resumed speaking. For the rest of the wedding, he held her chin, staring into her eyes. She didn’t like how he kept looking at her, assessing her, watching her.

Gritting her teeth, she tried not to think, not to feel. It was hard to do so, especially with him forcing her to look at him, and seeing the glare in his eyes. If he didn’t want her, why didn’t he call it off?

They skipped past the vows. She hadn’t been required to think of any and neither did Ugly Beast say anything. The priest had clearly been updated on what was required of him.

Once the time came for the pronouncement of husband and wife, she was suddenly pulled against Ugly Beast, and his lips were on hers.

She heard the MC.

It had to be them.

Her family merely clapped at the kiss whereas his club was roaring, whooping, cheering, and hearing them was quite infectious. She liked the feeling as it flooded her veins.

Ugly Beast kept on kissing her.

No one stopped him.

Only when someone slapped him on the back did he let her go. His arms were still wrapped around her, but his lips had released her.

Staring into his blue eyes, she licked her lips. They were numb, and a warmth had spread through her body from his touch. It was … strange.

“That’s how we do it. Welcome to the family.”

The club president pulled her into his arms. One by one, she was hugged by the MC, becoming part of their own.

They were all so happy.

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