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The Hunger (The Lycans 3)

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The small radio in my ear beeped, and I straightened as I heard the rough growl fill my ear.

“Caelan came back to the estate only long enough to take one of the cars,” Rory, a fairly young Lycan who helped man the security control station, said.

“He have a female with him?” I turned my back and spoke low so Banner wouldn’t hear. I needed all the information before bringing this to the king.

“Yeah. Unconscious by the looks of it.”


“He took one of the black Range Rovers and remembered to remove the tracker.”

Shite. I ran a hand over my face and exhaled. “Okay. Thanks for the update. Double the sentries around the property.” Although I knew Luca was long gone with Ainslee.

I turned back around, not realizing I’d walked several feet away and had entered the study. I made my way back to the library, where I heard Banner and the other males’ voices filtering out from. I took a step into the foyer just as the front door burst open.

I took a fighting stance, but when I saw the big bastard step through the threshold, a shit-eating grin on his face, Tavish and Lennox trailing behind, I eased.

Fucking Adryan.

Luna’s big fucking brother strode in like he owned the damn place. He looked exactly the same as I’d seen all those years ago. Short black hair. Trimmed black beard. Eyes as dead and cold as he was.

I narrowed my eyes when I saw he’d brought Sebastian and Kane, vampire brothers, and cousins to Luna and Adryan.

Adryan stopped when he saw me, and his grin widened. “Is that fucking Cian standing right before me?” He placed his hands on his hips, his massive biceps flexing from the small move. The bastard eyed me up and down. “Still a big fucker with that chip on your shoulder, huh?”

“Adryan.” I growled his name, the only greeting I’d give him.

I felt the air in the room shift, and that’s when I knew Banner had realized Adryan walked in. I could tell Adryan noticed the difference as well, because the motherfucker’s grin widened, and while he turned his body to face the library, he kept his eyes on me for a prolonged moment.

“Looks like I get to piss off another Lycan with my presence. Fun fucking times.”

He winked, and I ground my molars again as I watched him face forward before walking away. And then the bastard started whistling.

On instinct I followed him, knowing Banner didn’t physically need my help or protection, especially for the in-law variety. But as he was my Alpha, I’d always have his back.

Luna smiled when she saw her brother, and when they embraced, I was struck by how someone as gentle and caring as Luna could be related to a sadistic son of a bitch like Adryan.

Although I hated seeing the sociopath, the truth was, if we had any hope of finding Ainslee, Adryan would be at the top of my list on who I would’ve called in.

But if I thought shit had gotten worse before now, having three vampires on Lycan property just upped that tenfold.

It would either work out to our benefit that they were here, or it would be like jumping from a plane without a parachute and hoping you didn’t die when you crashed to the ground.



I’d driven for hours, and despite my lack of sleep the last week, I was wired and didn’t think I could have even closed my eyes unless knocked the fuck out.

The small, one-car, gravel driveway kicked pebbles under my tires as I made a slow ascent up the winding path, and for the hundredth time I glanced in the rearview mirror and stared at my female’s face.

She’d been asleep for too long, so long I worried she’d never wake up. What if her injuries were worse than I thought? Although I knew her ankle was in bad shape from the swelling and bruising, she also had quite a few cuts and scrapes from the branches tearing at her delicate flesh. But I didn’t scent any major injuries, internal bleeding, or broken bones.

It was a good five minutes of driving before the trees opened up, the path widened, and the tiny cottage nestled deep in the Highlands came into view. There was one light on that could be seen flickering through the front window.

I pulled the vehicle parallel to the front porch, nervous about leaving my mate in the car alone, but I couldn't bring her in and risk injuring her worse. I also didn’t want to risk waking her before we got to our final destination.

I turned off the Rover and took the keys, turning around in the seat so I could see her. Her breathing was even, her chest rising and falling gently. Her expression was relaxed, which I was thankful for, because it meant she wasn’t in any undue pain. I inhaled deeply, seeing if I could scent if she was awake but feigning being asleep. When I was confident she was out, I made quick work of climbing out of the car and taking the front steps three at a time.

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