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The Hunger (The Lycans 3)

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Luna walked around to my side, clasped my hands in hers, and gave them a squeeze. Her hands were soft and warm—another thing folklore got wrong. Vampire skin felt just like a human’s, and aside from her ethereal beauty and the sharp points of her fangs I periodically saw when she spoke, she was no different than everyone else I passed on the street daily.

“I know this is weird and strange and you probably feel like you’re dreaming.” Don’t cry. Don’t cry. I nodded. “But everything will be okay.” I swallowed and nodded. “We will all make sure of that. Especially Caelan.” She gave off mom vibes so hard, and I couldn’t deny it felt good to have that directed at me. Luna pulled me in for a hug, and if I should have felt weird that she accepted me so readily, I didn’t. It felt strangely right. “Mates are a forever thing, a rare gift. For a male, it means everything, and Caelan will always put your happiness first.” She pulled back. “That’s a guarantee.”

I knew without a doubt she told the truth. I didn’t need a lifetime to see or feel that. Caelan had already proved that.

Once we were alone, I exhaled, suddenly feeling drained, yet feeling hopeful for the first time in… well, a long time.

“How about I show you where you can sleep?”

I turned my attention to Caelan and swallowed, knowing I was going to start saying what I thought. “Where will we stay?” I corrected softly but still worded it as a question. Surely he wouldn’t think I’d want to sleep alone?

That addicting scent that came from him, coupled with that oh-so-sexy gruff sound that left his chest when he was aroused, had a soft moan leaving me.

I took a step forward, now being the one to make my intentions clear nonverbally. “Maybe you can make sure the room is far away from everyone else. You know, so we get privacy.” My voice was nothing but a whisper, and it turned me on knowing what we were talking about, what I was suggesting.

And then Caelan was kissing me, his hand cupping my face, his lips on mine as he stroked the seam of my mouth with his tongue. I opened instantly, moaning against him, giving him entrance as he plunged his tongue inside, stroking mine, making me wet, needy, and weak-kneed.

“Let me make sure a room is made up at the opposite end of the estate.” His words were murmured against my lips, and when he broke the kiss, all I wanted to do was pull him back in for more.

But the sooner he got things settled, the sooner we could take this to a place I was really anxious to get to.

He had the sexiest expression on his face, one that left nothing to the imagination on where his thoughts were. If only he could see into my mind.

“Give me a moment, and I’ll be right back.” With a deep, gruff sound, as if he were forcing himself to leave my side, he turned and stalked out of the room.

I probably would’ve sagged against the wall if I had one to support me. But before I could let my mind wander about erotic, explicit things, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I knew it had to be Evelyn given the fact that she was the only one who called, but when I saw her face on the screen, worry filled me. We’d spoken not that long ago. I answered the call and put the receiver to my ear. “Evelyn? Are you okay?”

The sound of rustling came through a moment before she cleared her throat. “Yeah. I’m fine.”

I exhaled again, relieved, because I certainly didn’t need any more surprises. “Good. I got worried hearing from you again so soon.”

I could hear water running in the background, could picture Evelyn getting ready to start her day. “No, everything is fine. I guess I was just feeling a little clingy because I’ve been so worried about you for the past couple of days.” She exhaled. “So yeah, that’s my excuse to call you, which isn't an excuse at all.”

I felt sisterly warmth bloom in my chest. “I’m glad you called.” She laughed softly. “But this phone call is going to cost a fortune.” Evelyn started laughing, and the sound of the water kicked off. Then I heard a dripping sound and knew she was getting her caffeine fix.

“I don’t care about that, although maybe I should since I want to quit Bosco’s.”

“Good,” I said instantly. “That place is a shithole anyway.”

Evelyn chuckled softly, and the sound of a chair scraping along the floor came through the receiver. “Yeah, it really is a shithole. I’m also sick of the assholes and the sexual harassment.”

I frowned at that. “I thought Ritchie said he was going to put a stop to all that.”

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