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The Traitor's Game (The Traitor's Game 1)

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Down on the stage, Thorne was finishing up his explanation for the ceremony's procedure. It wasn't complicated. Anyone who wanted a chance to claim the dagger would be invited forward. They would introduce themselves to the audience, prove their blood as a Halderian, and then Thorne would decide the order in which people could attempt to claim it.

"As you know, my friends, the Olden Blade has a will of its own," Thorne said. "I do not choose the Infidante, nor can the Infidante select himself. The Blade will reject or choose its master on its own, and we must all follow that choice into battle. If you cannot accept these terms, I ask you to remove yourself from this gathering."

Thorne waite

d, and I watched for anyone to leave, but no one did. They might later regret that decision if Trina became the Infidante.

Thorne cleared his throat, then continued, "Since the Halderians have no living ruler, the first duty of the Infidante will be to select our king or queen. The heavens will honor their choice!"

I fingered the sword at my side. Trina would choose Tenger as king. Was I prepared to attack my own captain, a man I still believed was the right person to lead the rebellion? I would have to, if it came to that.

"All who wish to be tested, prepare yourselves!"

The audience cheered and a couple of larger men in the audience loudly boasted that they would claim the dagger. I tried to spot Trina or Tenger, but couldn't see either of them. Wherever they were, I knew Trina would be biding her time. She believed she was the Infidante, and maybe she was.

And where was Kestra? I couldn't see her either and hoped she had avoided finding trouble in the few steps between the amphitheater and the cobbler's shop. Knowing her, that was unlikely.

Murmurs began to spread in the audience as various people pointed out their candidates. Thorne waved his arms for silence, then continued, "Tonight we raise our hopes in honor of the Infidante, and bend our knees to a ruler. Who will it be?"

Now I found Trina. She was seated in the front row with the wrapped Blade on her lap, sitting as tall as if she were already the Infidante. She was skilled with a dagger and had great courage, even if it was sometimes misplaced. If she was successful tonight, I would have to honor that choice. Kestra would feel differently.

Finally, Thorne said, "This much is certain: Once the Olden Blade has chosen, it will light up, identifying the Infidante. At that point, there will be no doubt that we have Risha's successor, and the person tasked with the responsibility of killing Lord Endrick. Before any candidates put yourselves forward, I ask you to consider the weight of what you must do. Holding the Olden Blade is no guarantee you will survive Lord Endrick or his cruelty--for all her courage and strength, Risha didn't. The Blade will not keep you from hardships and trials; if anything, that dagger will bring them to you. You will take up the dagger, not to gain glory and honor for yourself, for you will likely receive neither. Despite all this, you must carry forward. For if you do not succeed, no one else will."

Thorne waited for his words to sink in before his command rang through the air: "Bring forth the Olden Blade."

On that cue, Trina finally emerged from the center of the crowd. Standing tall and proud, she walked onto the stage, holding the wrapped Blade in sacred fashion. Sudden movement in the upper part of the audience caught my eye. Kestra, without her hood on. She was pushing forward to get to Trina, but it was too late. Yet I noticed the determined expression on her face. This wasn't over.

Thorne set the wrapped Blade on a small table, then gently unfolded the cloth. He crouched down to study the Blade, his brow furrowing as he studied every detail of it. He stretched out a hand, letting it hover over the weapon, and closed his eyes as if attempting to feel any heat coming from it.

When he was satisfied, Thorne stood and announced to the crowd, "This is the Olden Blade!"

Trina stepped in front of him. "And I will claim it!"

I immediately began pushing my way into the crowd. Trina could be allowed her chance at the dagger, along with the other candidates. But the Halderians had to believe this was a fair process. They'd never join us otherwise.

"She has brought us the Olden Blade." Thorne's smile was forced and nervous, and anyone could detect the reluctance in his voice. "This girl took the risk of bringing it here. We will give her the first chance to claim it."

I had become lost in a crowd of Halderians pressing closer to the stage. For that reason, I only caught occasional glimpses of Trina, though I did hear her clearly announce, "You should all know me. I was born in a Halderian camp shortly before my mother's arrest, and grew up among some of you. My name is--"

"You are Trina!" a woman shouted from the crowd. "You were exiled from our people because of your Dominion father--he fought for Endrick!"

"Your father betrayed us!" a man shouted. "How dare a traitor's daughter attempt to claim that dagger?"

Trina's voice rose in pitch. "Because a traitor's wife first claimed it! Risha Halderian is my mother. In her honor, I have trained as a warrior; I understand the Endreans' dark powers and strategies. I will kill Lord Endrick, the last of the Endreans!"

Boos erupted from the audience, and someone threw a handful of rocks onto the stage. Trina dodged them and moved back, deeper onto the stage.

"You're a Corack," another man said. "You want to steal the throne that rightfully belongs to us!"

"I am a proud Corack," Trina said. "I've risked my life fighting Lord Endrick while you all hid away in the safety of this place. But I have never forgotten my Halderian blood."

"What of your Dominion blood?" another person shouted. "You can't be trusted any more than a Dallisor."

"A Dallisor is here tonight!" I followed the sound of Tenger's voice until I saw him in the audience with Kestra in his grip, her face pinched in anger. If Tenger tried something, I had no chance to get to her in time. A fine protector I was.

Tenger pushed Kestra forward through the audience, many of whom were already murmuring Kestra's name. She wasn't fighting him, and kept a clear focus on Trina. I understood now. She had wanted to be captured. She wanted to be taken to that stage, where she had access to Trina.

But her plan was going to backfire.

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