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Heartwishes (Edilean 5)

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“I like that idea. How about if we do that instead of this?”

“I’m thinking that way too,” he said as he reached out his arms to pull her to him.

But a sharp tap on his window made him turn. A man with a beautiful face and the big Frazier body was outside.

Colin put the window down.

“Everyone is here and we’re hungry, but Mom won’t let us eat until you two are inside. Is this the famous Gemma I keep hearing about?”

“Gemma, meet my brother Peregrine, Pere for short.”

He reached through the window, across Colin, to shake her hand. “I saw you on YouTube and I hear you’re good at boxing. I’m a wrestler myself. If you want to learn how, I’d be happy to give you lessons. Lots of lessons.”

“Arm out before I break it,” Colin said good-naturedly.

Grinning, Pere did as he was told and opened the door. “Come on, I need to get back to Richmond, and Lanny’s got a new girl.”

“Lanny always has a new girl,” Colin said as he got out, then went around to open Gemma’s door. He held her hand as the three of them walked toward the house.

Pere paused at the front door and looked at Gemma. “I hope you’re ready for this. Nobody knows why, but Mom’s like she’s been wired to a jet engine.”

Gemma took a step back.

Colin pulled her forward. “I’ll be there. Any problems, let me know.”

Pere was grinning broadly. “So, Gemma, what’s your mother like? What’ll she think of ol’ Col here?”

“My mother worships my father’s memory and compares all men to him. She’ll think Colin is too big, that his job is too dangerous, and she’ll probably lecture him on gun control.”

“Is that right?” Colin asked, looking worried.

“Every word of it.”

“I’d like to see that meeting,” Pere said, smiling as he opened the door.

Gemma’s first impression was of cheerful chaos. Mrs. Frazier was ordering her family about, and everyone seemed to be talking, laughing, and arguing at once. It was a very loud group of people.

A tall, red-haired, beautiful young woman was standing to one corner, close to a man who was just barely as tall as she was, and it looked like his nose had been broken several times. He had to be Frank. She could tell that under his clothes his body was as toned as Mike’s. Gemma gave him a quick smile of recognition of athlete to athlete before Mrs. Frazier took her arm, pulled her forward, and began introducing her to people.

The pretty young woman was Colin’s doctor-sister Ariel, and the man was Frank Thiessen.

“Mike’s told me about you,” Frank said as he shook her hand. “Maybe we can work out together sometime.”

“I’d love that,” Gemma said. It was a high honor for athletes like Mike and Frank to ask her to join them. She wanted to stay and talk to him, but Mrs. Frazier pulled her away.

Next came Lanny’s new girlfriend, Carol, who seemed even more overwhelmed than Gemma did. Pere’s tall girlfriend was called Eloisa and looked vaguely familiar. Rachel had said that Pere’s heart was “spoken for,” but somehow, this bored-looking young woman didn’t seem to fit that bill.

“She’s a model,” Rachel said as she came by with a tray full of hors d’oeuvres.

“Need any help?” Gemma whispered. “Please?”

“Sure,” Rachel said as she went back to the kitchen, Gemma close behind her. “Welcome to Frazierland,” she said as soo

n as the door closed. “Can you get the bread out of the oven?”

Gemma took a pot holder, opened the oven, and pulled out the sheet of hot rolls. It reminded her of the time Jean had been in the kitchen. “I bet they’re regretting that Jean isn’t here to cook some fabulous dish. I mean, not that what you cook isn’t—”

“I know what you mean. Stir that red pot, will you? Has Jean given you any problems?”

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