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Upon a Midnight Clear (Legend, Colorado 2)

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She put the phone back on the receiver.

"What's the matter?" Barbara asked, alarmed by the look on Kim's face.

Kim glanced up at her friend. "My father. He's had a heart attack. I guess they need to do surgery."

"How weird," Barbara said, her eyes opening wide. "It's like karma or something. You just make your wish, and then you get a call…" She hesitated as she saw Kim pick up the phone book. "What are you doing?"

"Calling the airlines. I'm going to try and fly there this afternoon."

"What?! This afternoon? The day before Thanksgiving? It's the busiest travel day of the year! It'll be a nightmare."

Kim scanned the airline numbers.

"Did he ask for you?"

Kim began to dial a number, not answering.

Barbara crossed her arms in front of her. "How do you even know he wants y

ou there?"

Kim glanced at her. "You're the big believer in magic, or wishes, or whatever you call it. And now you're telling me not to go?"

Barbara shook her head. "I'm not telling you not to go. I just want you to be… careful I know you. I know how much you want to have him back in your life. I just… well, what if he wakes up and doesn't want you there? For all you know he could even have other kids, another family, by now. Just think about this, Kim. Think about what you're doing. And why."

"I don't know what his personal situation is. All I know is that the doctor called me and said I needed to make some decisions. So I'll stay and make decisions until he's either well enough to make decisions for himself or somebody else shows up to make them for him. And if he has other kids, great. A perfect opportunity to meet my new family." She glanced into the kitchen. "The turkey is ready to be put in the oven. Can you handle it without me?"

"Of course." Barbara hesitated. "What about your show?"

Kim glanced toward her painting, concerned. "Hopefully ' I won't have to stay in Michigan all that long."

Barbara shook her head. It was obvious she was not going to be able to talk her friend out of this. And she wasn't sure she should, anyway. "You're a good daughter, Kim." She shrugged her shoulders. "I just hope Santa's watching. It might make up for some of the naughty things you've done this past year."

* * *

Chapter Two

The airport was even worse than Kim had expected—which was saying quite a bit. And, unfortunately for Kim, she had been unable to get a direct flight—or even a semidirect flight. On the busiest travel day of the year, the best the airline could do was to fly Kim from Miami to Chicago. In Chicago she had to transfer planes and jump on a flight to Pittsburgh, In Pittsburgh, she was wait-listed on a flight to Detroit. It was an extremely circuitous route, but considering the circumstances, Kim didn't have much of a choice.

And now, as she waited in a terminal in the Pittsburgh airport, she could feel her patience begin to wear thin. She kept an eye on the two gate attendants, flashing them a look that alternated between pissed off and sugary sweet, as though she had not yet decided which tactic would work best. She had missed the previous flight and this was her last chance. The next flight wouldn't be leaving until tomorrow morning. She checked her watch. Boarding would start at any moment, which meant in a few seconds she would know whether she would arrive in Detroit this evening or tomorrow.

She glanced around her. Everyone seemed to be scurrying as fast as possible. Haggard-looking parents held on to tired and cranky children as they rushed to make their flights. As she scanned the crowd her eyes focused on a tall, handsome man moving in her direction. Although he was definitely not her type, he was striking nonetheless. She had always thought of herself as a good judge of people, and she judged him to be a California beach bum. He certainly looked like it. He was all muscles, with lean, handsome features that were framed by tousled, wavy brown hair. He had a deep tan and at least a two-day beard growth. He was wearing a bright tropical shirt, jeans, and sneakers and carrying a large red backpack over his shoulders. Kim knew the type. The, "Hey ladies, look at me" type. Handsome and aware of it. His only concern was the height of the waves.

She watched as he walked up to the gate and began to speak to the attendant. He pulled out a ticket and showed it to her. It was obvious that he was not confirming his seat, but was asking her a question about the flight.

The other gate attendant began to board the flight. Concerned, Kim grabbed her luggage and began to move forward, just as the man pulled out his wallet and flashed the gate attendant what appeared to be ID. Kim stepped up to the ticket counter and interrupted. "Excuse me," she said, sensing disaster. "Can you tell me when you'll announce the names of the wait-listed passengers that can board?"

The attendant didn't even look up from her computer screen. "I'm sorry, ma'am. There's only room for one waitlisted passenger. And that would be this gentleman right here."

"What?! But I was here first," Kim said, trying desperately to remain calm. "He just got here!"

"Look," the man said quietly to Kim. "I can explain."

"This is not fair," Kim said, tears welling in her eyes. "I've been waiting here for two hours, and you're letting some guy just bump me right off?"

"I'm sorry, ma'am," the attendant said insincerely. "It's not up to me. He was priority-ranked."

"Please. Just let me explain…" the man began.

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